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 Vocabulary Lesson 6 Read the word and the definition, then write a sentence using the word.

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Presentation on theme: " Vocabulary Lesson 6 Read the word and the definition, then write a sentence using the word."— Presentation transcript:

1  Vocabulary Lesson 6 Read the word and the definition, then write a sentence using the word.

2 superficial adj. at, on, or near a surface; concerned only with the obvious or apparent; presenting only an appearance without substance or significance

3 deduce verb to derive a conclusion from something known or assumed; to trace the course of

4 jeopardize verb expose to danger or risk, imperil

5 salient adj. standing out, prominent or conspicuous; main, most important, projecting or pointing outward

6 satire noun the use of humor to criticize someone or something and make them seem silly; a play, book, movie, etc. that uses this humor

7 superficial adj. at, on, or near a surface; concerned only with the obvious or apparent; presenting only an appearance without substance or significance The storm only caused superficial damage to the building. She is so superficial – she only cares about how she looks.

8 deduce verb to derive a conclusion from something known or assumed; to trace the course of I can deduce from your behavior that you're trying to hide something from me. He searched online in order to deduce his ancestry.

9 jeopardize verb expose to danger or risk, imperil He jeopardized his life every time he dived from the tower. His health has been jeopardized by poor nutrition.

10 salient adj. standing out, prominent or conspicuous; main, most important, projecting or pointing outward Marconi's salient achievement was to realize that radio waves could be transmitted across vast distances. The report covered all the salient points of the case.

11 satire noun the use of humor to criticize someone or something and make them seem silly; a play, book, movie, etc. that uses this humor His movies are known for their use of satire. His latest book is a biting satire on modern bureaucracy.

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