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Composition II Seminar 2 Writing Styles, Listening Skills, and Library Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "Composition II Seminar 2 Writing Styles, Listening Skills, and Library Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Composition II Seminar 2 Writing Styles, Listening Skills, and Library Orientation

2 Unit 2 discussion: Part I Please review the tips and list of ideas in “Generating Paper Topics” and the “Suggested and Banned Paper Topic” handouts to get ideas for topics. Choose two possible debatable topics. Write one paragraph about each topic you have chosen that answers the following questions (100-150 words or more for each topic): 1. What is your personal interest in the topic? 2. Who would be interested in reading about this topic (audience)? 3. What are some of the different controversies surrounding this topic?

3 Choosing a Topic Look for significant topics that you feel that you can adequately address in 8-10 pages. Avoid topics that are too broad or too limited and without sufficient research information. Choose something current and debatable— remember, the project for this class is a persuasive essay. Avoid topics that you have too heavy of an emotional investment in—you will have a difficult time writing about the opposing views fairly and objectively. Note: the one topic I do not allow is abortion.

4 Choosing a Topic –Watch television news programs and read the newspaper. Topics of current interest can be found in the news. –Register for NYTimes, Washington Post –“Suggested & Banned Topics” is posted in Doc Sharing.

5 Ideas for topics?

6 Unit 2 Discussion Part II: Library search 1. Formulate research questions for each topic. 2. What specific keywords or phrases did you use to perform the searches? 3. How many relevant e-books did you find? Were there too many or too few? 4. How many relevant e-articles? 5. How did you refine and expand your search? Please be specific Be sure to write on BOTH of your possible topics!

7 Library Searches Electronic books Electronic article databases (many with full-text articles available) Super Search (searches all databases) Interlibrary loan (to access books or articles Kaplan does not have) See Doc Sharing and unit 2 DB for presentation on library search tips!

8 Kaplan Library Resources Super Search (search all databases) Electronic Articles Electronic Books Traditional Books (interlibrary loan) Electronic article databases: Academic Search Premier Business Source Complete Business Source Premier ERIC (education) Health Source: Consumer Lexis Nexis MasterFile Premier MAS Ultra - School Edition Newspaper Source Primary Search (Primary schools)’ Professional Development PubMed Regional Business News FINS Direct (find a full journal— lets you know if the Kaplan library has a particular journal full-text)

9 Database Search Tips Plan your search Choose database(s) that cover topics appropriate to your search Choose search terms – think of alternate words/phrases that might be used for what you are looking for. See presentation on library search tips posted in Doc Sharing! The library will help you to find credible, academic sources for your paper Should the US suspend off-shore drilling in the wake of the Gulf spill? Look in databases: Business Source Premier Newspaper Source Academic Search Premier Search terms: Gulf spill, off-shore drilling, oil AND environment

10 Unit 2 Exercise: Speaking, Writing, and Listening Styles –Due midnight Tuesday (end of unit 2) –Place in drop box as a Word (doc or docx) file –Requires listening to or watching a speech See the unit 2 announcement and exercise guidelines for links to sites that should help you find a speech!

11 Exercise Guidelines Listen to a speech (and even better, watch!) Write 3 paragraphs (at least 300 words) responding to all of the questions in the exercise. Reference this week’s reading in your answers. Use 12 point Times New Roman font and double-space. Provide a citation for the speech. Note: The drop box will now automatically name your files when you post them.

12 Some things to consider... What is the setting? What is the appearance of speaker? Is the speaker reading the speech from notes? Does the speaker have appropriate pauses and make eye contact with audience? Use gestures? Does the speaker gear the speech to the intended audience? How does the speaker attempt to connect with the audience? How does the speaker emphasize specific points? Does the speaker have any annoying habits that detract from the speech?

13 In writing or speaking, why is knowing your purpose and the audience important?

14 Audience and Context Everything is written (or spoken) to someone for some purpose. The email you send to your sister should be written differently than a proposal you send to a business client, and a speech delivered to a group of second graders would differ from the President speaking to Congress. Knowing the audience, purpose, and the context is vitally important to good writing and speaking. Ask yourself: –Why am I writing or saying this? –Who is my audience? –What am I trying to say?

15 Writing vs. Speaking Writing only uses words Message must be clearly and correctly written to convey ideas Demonstrate competence by using Standard American English Speaking uses words, tone, gestures, facial expressions, posture, eye contact May be accompanied by visual aids (Power Point, etc.) Appearance is important!

16 Writing in the Digital World Writing is very important today because it is possible to have classmates, instructors, and business associates that you never see or talk to, but know only through the written word and e-mail. Since 70% of today’s business writing involves e-mail, the words you write give impressions of not just yourself, but also of your company!


18 Things to consider... Mistake filled writing drives people away. –Potential customers look at the writing and ask themselves: “If the company can not hire people who can write well, can they deliver quality products and services?” Effective writing does not come naturally. It requires instruction, practice, and a willingness to learn!

19 What is Standard American English?

20 Standard American English Standard American English is the common language, spelling, grammar, and punctuation used in the United States. It is the type of speech and writing that is expected in higher education and the workplace. What are the benefits to learning Standard American English?

21 Standard American English When you use Standard American English, –People can understand you no matter what part of the county they come from. –You present yourself as being an educated person. –You show respect for your audience. –You show a desire for your audience to relate to you.

22 When should you use Standard American English?

23 Practice!!!!! You should use Standard American English most of the time if not all the time. You want to get into the habit of using it. When speaking or writing to your friends or family, you are free to use dialect, slang, or any type of English (or other language) that you desire. However, in the "real world," the world of work, school, and careers, there are different expectations.

24 Some people have fallen into bad habits because of email & texting! Here's an example of the type of email that I might receive: –"im not sure how to double space can u help me with this thanks." This type of email is inappropriate in a school or business setting.

25 Practice Professional Writing! Get in the habit of using Standard American English in your communications. This includes capital letters, spelling out words, and punctuation. Practicing this will help you to succeed in life.

26 Resources for improving writing Writing Center review service, library, monthly workshops Handouts in Doc Sharing Interactive grammar quizzes available on-line

27 More resources The KU Handbook for Writers The Kaplan Guide to Successful Writing (new handbook in Doc Sharing) The Harbrace Handbook The New Century Handbook Diana Hacker’s Writer’s Reference Strunk’s The Elements of Style

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