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Poland! By Alexander Grajewski.. Being one of the most beautiful countries in the region, Poland is a great place to visit and has more wonders than you.

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Presentation on theme: "Poland! By Alexander Grajewski.. Being one of the most beautiful countries in the region, Poland is a great place to visit and has more wonders than you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poland! By Alexander Grajewski.

2 Being one of the most beautiful countries in the region, Poland is a great place to visit and has more wonders than you could see in a lifetime. Poland is located in the very center of Europe, and offers an unforgettable experience to anyone lucky enough to stumble upon it. From skiing in Tatry, and swimming in Baltic, to sailing the Mazury, Poland might as well be called ‘travellers playground’. Introduction http://truenomad content/uploads/ 2013/05/intestin g-facts-about- poland4.jpg http://media - cdn.tripadvi dia/photo- s/01/7c/89/ d8/strandim pressionen- auf.jpg

3 Points Of Interest! Cities...

4 Krakow! Krakow- The most visited city in Poland, and by some called the most beautiful one. With the famous 13th century main square and World Heritage List approved Old Town as well as a multitude of medieval and renaissance buildings. With much and more attractions, such as museums, cathedrals, and castles, Krakow offers a near perfect trip for anyone willing to walk around all day with his jaw scratching the sidewalk. https://ww w.tradesc m/images /KrakowS quare.jpg http://ds- ta_images/to p_cityes/krak ow/krakow- 06.jpg http://2.bp.blo NeQmPCCK uZk/T_12Hm VSWxI/AAAA AAAAMHs/C db42a1SAhE /s1600/krako w5.jpg

5 Warsaw! Warsaw- The largest city in Poland as well as it’s capital. This modern metropolis offers a one of a kind experience for those willing to visit it. With hundreds of amazing and unique attractions, anyone will be able to find something for themselves. Those include Lazienki Park, Old Town, Royal Castle, and Warsaw Uprising Museum for those willing to discover more about Warsaw and its history. http://wiki.te chcampglob s/1/12/Wars aw1.jpg h ttp:// dyhans elman.c om/wp- content/ uploads /2013/0 2/Wars aw.jpg

6 Attraction s! And other such...

7 Wieliczka Salt Mine! Located in the town of Wieliczka, near Krakow, the Wieliczka Salt Mine was founded around 13th century and was producing rock salt until 2007, making it one of the oldest salt mines still in operation. One of many attraction of the salt mine is an underground cathedral made entirely out of rock salt, along with dozen rock salt statues, three chapels, and a private wellness complex. h ttp://upl oad.wikim ikipedia/c ommons/7 /70/Wielic zka_salt_ mine.jpg

8 Masurian Lakeland! With 52,000 km^2 of thinly populated lakeland, Mazury is a perfect place to rest and recharge. Famous for it’s vast lakes, rivers and canals that form a large system of waterways, making it a perfect place for sailing enthusiast, as well as anyone else interested in seeing one of the most beautiful and peaceful areas in Poland, if not in the whole Europe. h ttp://justa girlandherp ups.files.wo m/2012/04/ masury.jpg h ttp:// les/mazury _kraina.jpg

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