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Home Control and Monitoring for Ambient Assisted Living Exam Presentation Martin Moghadam – Kalle Grafström – Kristoffer Ravnholt.

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Presentation on theme: "Home Control and Monitoring for Ambient Assisted Living Exam Presentation Martin Moghadam – Kalle Grafström – Kristoffer Ravnholt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Home Control and Monitoring for Ambient Assisted Living Exam Presentation Martin Moghadam – Kalle Grafström – Kristoffer Ravnholt

2 Problem Domain Analysis The Current Situation Limited Resources Why is Change Needed? Quality of Life Better use of Resources Future solution for the problem People who benefit from this system Relevant rules and regulations

3 State-of-the-art FeaturesHACS Solution Philips DynaliteCrestronHomeSeerElan Home SystemMiCasaVerde Vera 2 IntelliHome Present Date Basic Control(Light, Blinds, Environment)Yes Security(Alarm, Locking Doors)Yes Energy Management(Server Power Usage)YesNoYes Home Entertainment (Music, Home Theater)Yes No Web interface (Computer) On/Off siteYesYes/Both YesYes/BothYes/Z-Command Smartphone interface On/Off siteNoYes/Both (iPhone)Yes/Both(PDA/Apple/Android)Yes/Both(iPhone)Yes/BothNo Feedback (Alarm) Off siteEmailNo Yes/Monthly CostNo Voice ControlNoYes No User InterfaceYes Yes(Z-Command) Remote Controlled (on site)Yes No Customizable Software(Restricted)Yes Z-Wave Products (3 rd party)NoYes Complete Solution(Aestethics)Yes No

4 System Analysis Scope of the prototype solution Important parts of the prototype solution that makes difference Features that gives the desired change Framework boundary constraints impact on the system development

5 Choice of Technology Z-wave Vs ZigBee Z-Wave was used for the prototype Web Framework Java Server Faces, Spring Framework Apache Struts Z-Command SOAP Axis IntelliHome Framework

6 System Design And Implementation Web Application Browser Based/Cross Platform Desktop/Laptop/Smart Phone/Tablet Easy Access Simple Interface Hardware ZCommand/SOAP Web Service Sensor Alert Messages SMS Gateway Logging

7 Web Application

8 Basic Controls All the control capabilities of household implemented into one page Feedback All information received for household displayed on one page Map As shown on figure, allows turning on/off the light of the rooms of the household and shows the information of each room Smart Controls Generates control depending on the current state of the household Household Information on the household; occupant name, address, special needs, last visited Log Logging; the server status, system information, errors/exceptions, household activity

9 Web Application Improved Usability W3C standard for Mobile Web Application Best Practices: User experience Optimize response time Exploit mobile-specific features Using transfer compression Design for flexibility JavaScript JQuery Event driven

10 Further Development Better Support for Multiple Households Central Database Central Control for Nursing Staff Simple Automation of Basic Functions More Sensors/Actuators Fall Down Detection Laydown Detection Temperature Control Blinds Control Video Conferencing with Nursing Staff

11 Conclusion Aids to help the home-care staff are a relevant issue, because of the above mentioned problem domain The improved security for the elders without doing to much of intrusion into their daily life is also important issue A further development of the prototype can further optimize the home-care staffs work and also improve a comfort for both elder and elder relatives The cost of installing a monitoring and home control system will always be an issue that is hard to solve. Who will pay for the installation? If it is a system that can be used for other things than just aid the elderly or handicapped, the government will only pay for

12 Questions? ambient 1.Encompassing on all sides; surrounding; encircling; enveloping. A cup of tea eventually cools to the ambient temperature. “Ambient Intelligence” represents an intelligent environment of computing nodes. Definition by Wiktionary

13 SmsGateway/Alert messages Make it easier for the home-care staff to monitor the household of elderly people. Rule based behaviour of households. Alerts if anomalies to the rules occur. Smartphone/Internet device interface for home care Alert feature for anomalies (SMS, EMAIL)

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