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 IN  Why is it important to protect the environment?  What is your favorite animal? What would the world be like if that animal became extinct?

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Presentation on theme: " IN  Why is it important to protect the environment?  What is your favorite animal? What would the world be like if that animal became extinct?"— Presentation transcript:

1  IN  Why is it important to protect the environment?  What is your favorite animal? What would the world be like if that animal became extinct?

2  Through  Oil Spill Cleanup  Mystery of Easter Island --part deux  OUT  Prepare for the Final  Seniors, I need your books!

3  Objective-to investigate how oil interacts with the environment and design method(s) for cleaning up a small-scale oil spill

4  Recently, there has been an oil spill in a remote location. Because of the financial cost of lost oil as well as environmental effects, the company has hired you to create an effective and efficient cleanup to protect their image.

5  The location of the oil spill is remote and your team can only transport limited supplies. Therefore, you need to create a plan so that TIME and RESOURCES are not wasted.  Take 1o-15 minutes to discuss AND write your team’s plan on cleaning up this nasty oil spill.  Write your plan as a procedure in DETAIL!  Also, consider a PLAN B…..if needed.

6  Cotton balls  String  Paper towel  Soap  Feathers  Q-tip  ***Because of limited space on the helicopter you can only take three materials****

7  Now that you have developed your plan, it’s time to put it into action.  1. Take your tray and add 100 ml of water.  2. Open your film container and pour oil into tray with water to represent “oil spill”  3. Implement your plan. BE SURE TO WRITE DOWN OBSERVATIONS AND ANY CHANGES MADE.  4. Write a conclusion, results and any changes you would make next time.  5. Walk around and learn about other groups


9  Mystery of Easter Island  Book check  What did we learn yesterday about the human population on Easter Island?

10  Let’s read the packet “Lessons from Easter Island” ◦ Write one word from the reading that is important in the article ◦ Write one sentence(that does not contain the word) that summarizes the article ◦ Write a phrase (multiple sentences) that helps tell the story of the article. In your journal, write 1 or 2 paragraphs that summarize the changes in vegetation on Easter Island between 950 AD and 1980 AD. Explain what you think caused those changes.

11  Refer to the vegetation charts and information in Figure 15.8. Write a brief description of the Easter Island ecosystem. Include at least 3 examples of biotic and 3 examples of abiotic resources that likely influenced the colonizing population.

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