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Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Incremental Improvements (8 slides) Copyright © 2003 to 2009 Kenji Tachibana.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Incremental Improvements (8 slides) Copyright © 2003 to 2009 Kenji Tachibana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Incremental Improvements (8 slides) Copyright © 2003 to 2009 Kenji Tachibana

2 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Increment Improvements: Stages 1 to 3 D rive By Find: I spotted this very ‘eye candy’ object in a Target parking lot in Minnesota. I intuited that it would make for a good Stages Shot-series. I staged the first ID shot as if seen during a parking lot drive by. It was not really what I saw from the rental car.

3 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Increment Improvements: Stages 1-2-3 S tages: Full coverage ID ShotID Plus (Play)Living In Environment ID: A simple ID shot done recognition purposes. ID: A simple ID shot done recognition purposes. ID Plus: More intentional shot showing some playful design experimentation. ID Plus: More intentional shot showing some playful design experimentation. Environment: Show subject in relationship to the background. Environment: Show subject in relationship to the background.

4 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Increment Improvements: Stages 1 & 3 C omparison: BeforeAfter This shooting all the Stages at once concept is several levels higher than the earlier 1-stage at a time assignment shoots. The Before shot has to be technically flawless and make it’s own composition or design statement.

5 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Increment Improvements: Stages 3 C omposition Analysis: 1 of 2 I do not use Thinking to frame an image. I use Feeling which is more directly connected to vision. All the line position and angles are intentional. I do the best to control that through the camera position and zoom lens focal length choice.

6 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Increment Improvements: Stages 3 C omposition Analysis: 2 of 2 This was shot using my Sony Superzoom H1 set to the 6 mm (wide), f/5, 1/160 th sec, and ISO 64. And there was no exposure bias offset. I used ISO 64 to achive the highest image quality possible with the 5 MP compact digital chip.

7 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Increment Improvements: Stages 1 C onfession: Even the informal ID shot is designed. It’s not a fast grab snapshot. Since the subject is a sphere, I chose to frame it with a double triangulation sets. The black circle marked frame is somewhat obvious acting as a 2 nd reading. The white circle marked frame is less obvious acting as a 3 rd reading, which may be missed by many viewers.

8 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Increment Improvements: Stages 1-2-3 R ecommendation: ID ShotID Plus (Play)Living In Environment Please incorporate this 1-2-3 Stages way of shooting into your own shoots. It will improve your chances of getting exhibit worthy images…

9 Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I x End

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