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Vendor-Supplied Records Overview May 2015 Jemma Hazen MSC Technical Services Support.

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1 Vendor-Supplied Records Overview May 2015 Jemma Hazen MSC Technical Services Support

2 Please be aware Using vendor-supplied records can save time for technical services staff in libraries Member libraries are increasingly loading records from third-party vendors As more libraries automate their cataloging the presence of vendor-supplied records will increase

3 Concerns with Vendor records Not all meeting MSC standards for quality Lacking adequate control numbers, creating duplicate records on load Because some records cost money, they may be purchased multiple times Increased staff time to add 856s tags for e- content Order records are confusing to copy- catalogers

4 Sources of Vendor-supplied records 1.OCLC records for OverDrive titles through the MTLib2Go Consortium 2.Brief Order records and MARC records imported using EDI protocols 3.MARC records imported in batch using bib load reports

5 1. MTLib2Go records

6 2. Records imported using EDI

7 3. Other Batch Loaded Records I.Records from large vendors loaded without EDI protocols II.OCLC records for OverDrive e-content for non-MTLib2Go libraries III.Other vendor records

8 III. Other Vendor Records Lack ISBN-13s and 035 tags Cannot match existing MSC records/create duplicate records Contain proprietary fields or junktags Not up to MSC standards

9 Steps to Avoid Bad Records Before you enter into record purchasing agreements, contact MSC Admin for help Vendor-record loading instructions must be requested from MSC Admin MSC Admin is working with libraries already involved with vendors to get better records Testing OCLC WorldCat Cataloging Partners

10 E-Content Concerns To prevent good records being overwritten by bad ones, 856 tags must be manually added by staff, which is time consuming Bib records become cluttered by multiple 856 tags, confusing to patrons and staff As more libraries start using e-Content these issues will intensify


12 Steps to Resolve Issues Member libraries work with MSC Admin and vendor to ensure quality records Member libraries do not enter into agreements for vendor records unless record quality can be assured MSC Admin work with libraries under existing agreements to protect catalog from poor records

13 Questions: Contact MSC Staff Open a ticket Email Jemma, or

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