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Soil Data By Hannah McNabb Observation and prior knowledge: Nitrogen, phosphors and potassium (NPK) improve the health and fertility of a plant. Different.

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Presentation on theme: "Soil Data By Hannah McNabb Observation and prior knowledge: Nitrogen, phosphors and potassium (NPK) improve the health and fertility of a plant. Different."— Presentation transcript:


2 Soil Data By Hannah McNabb

3 Observation and prior knowledge: Nitrogen, phosphors and potassium (NPK) improve the health and fertility of a plant. Different plants have different effects on soil.

4 My question : What plant improves the nitrogen, phosphors and potassium (NPK) of their soil after being grown in that soil for a year ?

5 My hypothesis At first I believed that the potatoes would have the highest levels of NPK but after deeper thought I believed that the eggplant would have the highest levels of NPK because of the health benefits such as a host of vitamins and minerals, eggplant also contains important phytonutrients, many which have antioxidant activity to humans of the plant. (

6 Materials: Soil samples of the following plants: (you may use different plants as a replacement) Eggplant Potato Onions Carrots Un-gardened LaMotte soil chemistry testing kit Pen Paper

7 Procedure: 1.Gather materials. 2.Test all soil samples according to the instructions from the testing kit for nitrogen. 3.Record data. 4.Repeat step two for phosphors and potassium.

8 Data Soil SampleNitrogenPhosphorsPotassium Eggplant 443.5 Potato 31.53.5 Onions 443.5 Carrots 433 ungardened 434

9 Results/Analysis 4=high 3=medium 2=low 1=trace

10 My conclusion I concluded that eggplants along with onions have the highest over all NPK with a high nitrogen level, a high phosphorus level, and a medium high potassium level. This data supports my hypothesis by eggplants having the highest levels but onions also have the same levels. Potatoes are shown to have the lowest overall levels with medium nitrogen, trace to low amounts of phosphorus and medium high amounts of potassium. After testing these soil samples I would like to know, what in the plant influences the NPK?


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