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GODLY HOMES In an ungodly world (9) An ongoing study of the Home as God’s Word teaches.

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Presentation on theme: "GODLY HOMES In an ungodly world (9) An ongoing study of the Home as God’s Word teaches."— Presentation transcript:

1 GODLY HOMES In an ungodly world (9) An ongoing study of the Home as God’s Word teaches.

2 The Role of the Husband I Do!

3 In our Last Lesson  The role of husband the foundation of the home and a priority in his life  He is the head of the house – Eph. 5:23, 1 Cor. 11:3  His wife is not his slave or footstool, but his helpmeet

4 In our Last Lesson  Godly husbands take the lead – by action, example and listening  He loves his wife – Eph. 5:25, 28-29; 1 Cor. 7:3-5, Col. 3:19

5 Godly Husbands Understand  1 Pet 3:7  Men and women are different  Husbands it is to your advantage to get to know your wife well (understand her)

6 Godly Husbands Honor  1 Pet 3:7  Honor – to treat as something of value or worth, respect – John 4:44, 1 Pet. 1:7  A godly husband will treat his wife as someone special. He will cherish her.

7 Godly Husbands Honor  1 Pet 3:7, “as to the weaker vessel”  Not about physical weakness  Rather she is treated as something of great value (like “crystal stemware”)

8 Godly Husbands Honor  How does he honor his wife?  He doesn’t abuse or belittle her. Not constantly looking for faults or criticizing. She is a part of him. His confidant & support. Seeks to strengthens her. Proud of her in public. Tells her he loves her.  “Heirs together of the grace of life.” 1 Pet. 3:7

9 Godly Husbands Provide  Gen. 3:17-19, From the beginning mas was to be the worker. Cf. Eccl. 5:12  1 Tim. 5:8  Eph. 5:28-29 – as his own body (nourishes)

10 Godly Husbands Provide  Today, many men fail to adequately provide. Sometimes poor money management, laziness or wastefulness, not content  Sometimes family is not content  Don’t let worldliness or materialism hinder your role – 1 Tim. 6:6-11

11 Godly Husbands Protect  Eph. 5:25 – give his life  Honoring her involves protecting her  The home ought to be a place of refuge where one can let down his guard and feel safe.

12 Godly Husbands Protect  Physical protection from the harms of society (including the elements)  Emotional protection – not a place of misery, fear, criticisms, etc.  Moral and spiritual protection

13 A Spiritual Leader  His role extends into spiritual matters.  Godly love – Eph. 5:23-33 Spiritual provider  spiritual nourishment – home studies, godly example ( Matt. 5:16, cf. 1 Cor. 7:14-15 )  He attends worship services and prepares his family!

14 A Spiritual Leader He is the spiritual protector!  He does what he can to keep immorality and ungodliness OUT of the home!  He prays for his family

15 A Spiritual Leader He is the spiritual protector!  He is alert and aware of what is happening ( 1 Pet. 5:8, 2 Cor. 2:11 ) (He studies regularly, etc.)  Sets godly standards!

16 Concluding thought!  To Wives – his task is serious and at times challenging and even frightening.  But you can help him lead!  Don’t hinder or frustrate him (making him miserable for doing his job, refusing to submit, being overly demanding, contradicting his decisions, etc.)

17 Let us seek to be godly in whatever role we have I Do!

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