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Going Green Initiatives in AP Computer Science A (Mr. Smith’s Classroom)

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1 Going Green Initiatives in AP Computer Science A (Mr. Smith’s Classroom)

2 Old Procedure for Turning in Homework 1.I would give the students a homework assignment, either in paper form of via my website. 2.The students would create the program and test it in Eclipse. 3.Once they are finished, they would copy the program code to Microsoft Word, and also copy the program results to this same Word document. 4.They would print off this document, write their name on it, and place it into the “homework basket”. 5.I would then collect the papers on a daily basis, sort through them, and write the receipt date on each paper. 6.The programs were then graded by reviewing the code on the sheet of paper. I would have to interpret if the program would execute properly. 7.The grades were recorded in the gradebook and the papers placed in bins by class. 8.I would normally return the graded homework to the students the next day.

3 New Procedure for Turning in Homework 1.Students name their program with the assigned class name and their first/last name (i.e. 2.They create and test their program(s) in Eclipse as normal 3.Once they are finished, they copy files to the subfolder for that homework assignment (i.e. ActorBox) on the shared drive. This folder is secured so that they can view only their own files and not files from other students. 4.I then grade the programs (by looking at the code and running them). I enter the grade and additional comments at the top of each file. 5.The file is then copied to a Graded subfolder on the shared drive. 6.Students can then view their program (which now includes a numeric grade and any comments) in the Graded folder.

4 Advantages of Improved Homework Process NO MORE PAPER!! (saves on resources and cost) I can easily run each program, view its output to verify it works properly, and grade it accordingly. This optimizes the grading process and makes it more accurate. I can better organize the homework into folders and students can see their homework at any time when they are at the Career Center. I have access to the graded homework if I need it for future reference. Submitting homework electronically reduces the possibility of lost homework (paperwork can be lost more easily)

5 How Much Paper is Saved with This Improved Process? 52 studentsThere are 52 students in my three AP Computer Science A classes 68 homework assignmentsThere are approximately 17 homework assignments per quarter, which equates to 68 homework assignments per school year 2 sheets of paperOn average, students turn in 2 sheets of paper per homework assignment 7,072 sheets of paper will be savedDuring a typical school year, this means that 7,072 sheets of paper will be saved (52 students x 68 assignments x 2 sheets)

6 Other Green Initiatives My website is the main vehicle for communicating lesson plans, homework assignments, and lectures to students. There is rarely a need to hand out paper. At the end of each school day, all 25 lab computers are completely shut down and monitors are turned off, saving electricity. Our class uses ScanTron sheets for multiple-choice tests. We make sure that we use both sides of the ScanTron form for multiple tests. Also, test sheets are always double-sided. Discarded paper is collected in a recycle bin.

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