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By: Erica Schnippel William Whitten Russell Saputo Benjamin Welihan

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1 By: Erica Schnippel William Whitten Russell Saputo Benjamin Welihan
Scottsboro Boys By: Erica Schnippel William Whitten Russell Saputo Benjamin Welihan

2 Who were the Scottsboro Boys?
9 black teenage boys who allegedly raped two white girls on March 25, 1931

3 The Trial The trial date was April 7, 1931
12 days after the alleged rape Took place in the courtroom of Judge A.E. Hawkins

4 NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NAACP were on the defendant side of the Scottsboro Boys Trial

5 Communist Party The Communist Party saw the case as a great recruiting tool among southern blacks and northern liberals Through its legal arm the labor defense pronounced the case against the boys as a “murderous frame-up” They began efforts to be named as their attorneys.

6 Defense Lawyers The defense lawyers cared more about their own benefits then the boys welfare They didn’t have any connetions with the boys They were in it for the money

7 Works Cited

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