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Word Roots #7. CRED—to believe word you know: credible=believable.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Roots #7. CRED—to believe word you know: credible=believable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Roots #7

2 CRED—to believe word you know: credible=believable

3 Creed (n)—a formal statement of religious or other beliefs “The candidate’s creed was that women should have a choice; abortion is up to the mother.” PRO CHOICE!

4 Credulous (adj)—believing too readily on too little evidence; gullible “Only a credulous person would believe advertisements promoting Nike gym shoes will make a person run faster.” I’m beating you because I’m wearing Nikes!

5 Credence (n) —belief; acceptance as true “Dr. Giovanni gave credence to the rumor that milk helps the bones become stronger.” Yes, Billy milk does the body good.

6 Incredulous (adj)—not believing readily; disbelieving “When Rita told Yasmin that Johan asked her to homecoming, she was incredulous since he never showed any interest in her.” No way! He did not ask you out!

7 CUR—to run words you know: current, occur, cursive

8 Recur (v)—to run again; to happen again “The little girl has a dream about an elephant that recurs every once in a while.”

9 Concur (v) —to run together; to agree I concur! You know what, Bunny? Life on the streets is tough! “ Bunny concurred with rat, that life on the streets is tough.”

10 Discourse (n) —to run about; a formal and lengthy discussion of a subject “We engaged in discourse about the theme of education in To Kill a Mockingbird.”

11 Precursor (n) —a person or thing that runs before; a forerunner Crash of 1929Great Depression “The stock market crash of 1929 was a precursor to the Great Depression.”

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