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Management of oral and written communication

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1 Management of oral and written communication

2 Oral communication Face to face conversation Meetings Interviews
Seminars Conferences Group discussions Telephonic conversations Teleconferencing Video conferencing Voic s

3 Oral communication is more often used ---
1.Quicker 2.More effective to reach out to masses 3.Modulation conveys moods,facial expressions speak more than language. 4.It is personal 5.Less expensive in case of face to face.

4 Disadvantages If unplanned ,chances of mistakes
Retention of lengthy messages is difficult and important parts may be missed out. No accountability as no record Repetition required if not heard Poor communicators may not convey message effectively Not confidential

5 Written skills Planned and organized, takes more time
Documented thus official communication Writer responsible for content Dissemination of information is easier Documents carry important information such as facts and statistics. Includes letters,memos,reports,proposals,notices,minutes,circulars,manuals,newsletters,journals.

6 Disadvantages Time consuming Face to face missing, no personal touch
Expressions, feelings not conveyed Good written skills essential for impact Effect of communication happens only when receiver receives the communication

7 Effective oral communication
The most important component is voice. Modulation, stress convey moods Pronunciation Avoid colloquial/slang usage Eye contact Body language must convey the right meaning Message needs to vary as per the audience

8 Effective written communication
Usage of forceful and appropriate words Precise, complete and correct informatio Communication can be presented diplomatically Avoid exaggeration Good communication creates an impression Avoid negative words

9 Non verbal communication

10 1.Body language- Facial expressions Gestures Posture Appearance 2.Space 3.Time 4.Signs and symbols 5.charts,maps,graphs 6.Posters 7.Colour and layout 8.Sound

11 Assignment-marks 5 Q1 effective communication is called the life line of an organization. (mention the factors). Discuss Q 2 Upward communication is dependent on downward communication. Explain

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