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“NFD- Below expectations”.  To explore the tricky area of trainees with borderline performance  To explore the use of IUP’s to help identify and address.

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Presentation on theme: "“NFD- Below expectations”.  To explore the tricky area of trainees with borderline performance  To explore the use of IUP’s to help identify and address."— Presentation transcript:

1 “NFD- Below expectations”

2  To explore the tricky area of trainees with borderline performance  To explore the use of IUP’s to help identify and address concerns  Consider the importance of documenting this in e-p

3  Important that trainees are aware there is a potential concern and are given the opportunity and support to address it as early as possible(ideally before it becomes a significant problem).  Essential to be able to demonstrate(by documenting in e-p) that the above has occurred and the issue has resolved (or not)  Important that trainees don’t come to final panel and get an unsatisfactory outcome having no idea that this is going to happen.  Essential to ensure those who aren’t fit to practice don’t get through WPBA and gain a CCT just by passing their exams.

4  Postgraduate school of primary care (PGSPC): 485 GP trainees across the whole HENE area (ECGPTP :35)  Outcome 4’s: Aug 11-12 3(0.6%) Aug 12-13 17(3.5%) ECGPTP:0 (3.5% =1 trainee)  Aug12-13 observed sig more trainees being referred to panel, sig more outcome 2 and 3 being given at earlier stage of training (though very few from EC ) ECGPTP currently: 2x outcome 3’s,last year 1x outcome 3  Increasing numbers of appeals so increasing importance of robust evidence in e-p  Appeals rarely lead to a change in the outcome where the evidence is robust

5  Increasing expectation for GPR to provide good quality evidence to support ES conclusion  Increasing confidence in use of WPBA as an evidence based tool to ensure that trainees unfit to practice do not achieve CCT simply by passing AKT and CSA  Increasing expectation of EP evidence that SMART feedback has been given to address issues  Increasing identification of struggling trainees earlier on  Increasing expectation that lack of evidence,poor quality of reflection or poor engagement with e-p will lead to a “below expectations” conclusion in the relevant competency  Occasions at final panel where an ES has marked NFD for several competency areas but concluded satisfactory progress.  Occasions when several areas marked “below expectations” but no request for panel opinion(identified by random sampling)  Occasions where there is clear evidence of trainee being “below expectations” in a particular area but their ES marks them as NFD-meets expectations  Some ES’s not sure what to put if believe trainee if performing fine in WPBA but failing exams

6  Assessment: in the context of Supervised learning events(SLEs)is a key component of the clinical learning environment  Formative: Assessment for learning  Key element-reflection on structured feedback in the context of Supervised learning events(SLEs):helps trainee learn and develop  Summative: Assessment of learning(or performance(AoPs):Provides evidence for judgements on their progression in the competencies required

7 Supervised Learning Events(SLEs)  will use established tools  should ideally be related to feedback from previous SLE’s  Indicating the level of performance is an important part of feedback and supervisors should record levels of attainment using the anchor statements developed for this purpose(Competency Framework)

8 The purpose of the SLE is to:  Act as a learning aid  Highlight achievements and areas of excellence  Provide immediate feedback and suggest areas for further development  Demonstrate engagement with the educational process

9 The challenges:  Difficult to know where certain behaviours fit and whether they are important  Evidence is difficult – not sure what to do/ how important it is  When does evidence of negative behaviour become significant and how do we document it?  How many times in poor performance do people say…’well we already knew that…’ Indicators of potential underperformance “IPUs”

10  Is doctor-centred  Doesn’t give the patient time and space when this is needed  Can’t keep to time  Fails to engage adequately with the portfolio e.g. the entries are scant, reflection is poor, plans are made but not acted on or the PDP is not used effectively  Misses or ignores significant cues  Informal feedback from colleagues raises concerns  Uses stock phrases or inappropriate medical jargon rather than tailoring the language to the patients’ needs and context  Treats the disease, not the patient  Approach is disorganised, chaotic, inflexible or inefficient  Works in isolation (sits in their room most of the day working)  ‘Dumps’ on colleagues  Lets referrals pile up or fails to write up home visits that day  Records show poor entries e.g. too short, too long, unfocused, failing to code properly or respond to prompts  Doesn’t think ahead, safety net appropriately or follow-through adequately  Examination technique is poor  Dogmatic or closed to other ideas

11  These behaviours are indicators of potential underperformance (we all exhibit such behaviours from time to time)  They will be common is ST1  They need to be seen repeatedly and in differing contexts before professional judgements can be made as to their significance


13  Identify behaviours that may cause concern (IPU’s)  Discuss with the trainee using the competence framework  Document if appropriate  (use educators notes or a word document depending on the level of concern)

14  Being explicit with the trainee is important  Discussing it together, you can see it and see where it fits. This makes it much  easier to have the discussion: -We all do this sometimes -This is normal at your stage -This is becoming an issue -Do you recognise this behaviour/concern?  These are the things that you need to do to improve this aspect  Let's review this with an SLE to see if it's still a potential/real issue for you/others  Reflect and review progress using a variety of tools (and SLEs)  Decide whether it's still an issue  Document

15  When do you reach this threshold?  When do small things (IPU’s) become performance issues?  When do you decide a cluster of issues in one competency area represents “NFD-Below expectations” in an ESR?  When do you decide that “NFD-Below expectations” in a number of competency areas requires a panel opinion or represents unsatisfactory progress?  How do we decide whether this is important and what action to take?  (Highlight and reflect-is this a training issue or a performance issue that needs action?)  Educator’s notes - date stamp and gives you a timeline but when do you decide when to use this?  Essential that trainees are familiar with the competency framework, empowered to self-assess and work towards improvements

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