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6. British Reaction to the French & Indian War.   SWBAT analyze the economic and political impact of the French & Indian War on the American colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "6. British Reaction to the French & Indian War.   SWBAT analyze the economic and political impact of the French & Indian War on the American colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 6. British Reaction to the French & Indian War

2   SWBAT analyze the economic and political impact of the French & Indian War on the American colonies. Lesson Objective

3   Taxation  The government collects money to pay for administrative costs (defense, Governor, etc.)  Taxation in America  Who pays taxes in America?  What does our government spend our tax money on?  Share out  Discussion : Why do people get frustrated with paying taxes? Word of the Day/Initial Activity

4   Focus Question: How did the English change their relationship towards the colonies as a result of the French & Indian War?  Read Consequences of the French & Indian War  1. How did the French & Indian War effect the way the British government felt about the American colonies?  Write a claim and support it with a piece of evidence from the text  2. How did the French & Indian War affect the way the colonies felt about each other?  Write a claim and support it with a piece of evidence from the text  3. Why would the colonists wish to move past the Proclamation Line of 1763 and into the Ohio River Valley?  Share Out Activity 1: What is Mercantilism?

5   2 minute to write down a response to this question:  How might the British Government attempt to take greater control over the organization and administration of the Colonies?  How might the Colonists react to the new British rules?  Turn & Talk: 30 seconds per partner  Share Out Consequences of the F& I War QuickWrite/ Turn & Talk

6   Focus Question: How did American Colonists react to new British taxes?  Read Patrick Henry’s Arguments Against the Stamp Act  Describe the key components to Patrick Henry’s argument against the Stamp Act.  Why are colonists against the Stamp Act?  Extension Activity:  Do you believe Colonial resistance to the Stamp act was more greatly influenced by Patrick Henry’s argument about personal freedoms or colonial resistance to pay more money in taxes?  Share Out & Write 1 question you have after this reading Activity 2: Opposition to the Stamp Act

7   1. Stamp Act  a. Colonists have to buy a stamp for every piece of paper they buy  2. Writs of assistance  a. Search warrants that would not expire for tax enforcement officers  3. Helps pay for administration costs in the Colonies  4. Proclamation of 1763  a. Sets western boarder of colonies at Allegheny Mountain Range Mini-Lesson

8   Exit Ticket 1)Regents multiple-choice question  According to the theory of mercantilism, the principal purpose of the thirteen original colonies was to provide Great Britain with  a. naval bases  b. raw materials and markets  c. workers and manufactured goods  d. military recruits 2) Share with me one thing that you find interesting from class today. Why do you find it interesting? 3) Share with me one-way in which the information from class today affects your life today. Summary

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