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WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 COORDINATOR WORK PACKAGE LDR RESEARCHER ACEOLE MID TERM REVIEW CERN 3 RD AUGUST 2010 Background Overview of the work Secondments, conferences.

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Presentation on theme: "WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 COORDINATOR WORK PACKAGE LDR RESEARCHER ACEOLE MID TERM REVIEW CERN 3 RD AUGUST 2010 Background Overview of the work Secondments, conferences."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 COORDINATOR WORK PACKAGE LDR RESEARCHER ACEOLE MID TERM REVIEW CERN 3 RD AUGUST 2010 Background Overview of the work Secondments, conferences and visits Training Impact Work Package 1 – Early stage researcher

2 Background Nationality: Finnish Age:30 Education:D. Sc. University of Oulu, Finland Work experience:7 years of work experience in various government, company or EC funded research projects in Finland Academic:Authored ~15 international journal and conference papers

3 Overview of the work Study and develop large area tiling solutions and techniques for silicon pixel detectors Three sub projects Through Silicon Via (TSV) process development with ACEOLE partner VTT Low cost wafer bumping and flip chip development Medipix photon detector prototype

4 Secondments, conferences and visits Secondments to VTT Secondment divided to multiple 1-2 week visits Currently 4 visits done (26 working days at VTT) Training at VTT Clean room training Safety training Equipment and process training And most importantly practical on the job training Visits to companies Diamond materials, Germany Smart Equipment Technologies (SET), France CEA-LETI, France Conferences Electronics Components and Technology Conference (ECTC2009) Topical Workshop for Electronics in Particle Physics (TWEPP 2010)

5 Training On the job training Pixel detectors Detector read out electronics CAE tools Thermal simulations Formal training Cleanroom equipment and safety training at VTT French lessons CERN lectures and seminars

6 Impact of work so far Promising results form low cost bumping work, that may lead to significant cost savings in pixel detector manufacturing Kick started TSV process development at VTT and they are making good progress

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