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Enterprise Directorate General European Commission Brussels, 30 October 2002 NCP Jean-Noel Durvy Innovation Policy Unit Enterprise Directorate-General.

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2 Enterprise Directorate General European Commission Brussels, 30 October 2002 NCP Jean-Noel Durvy Innovation Policy Unit Enterprise Directorate-General

3 2 Innovation policy development Main sources of funding : FP6 specific programme “integrating and strengthening the European research area”. third block : strengthening the foundations of the European research area. second chapter : support for the coherent development of policies.

4 3 Innovation policy development Three lines of action : analysis and studies : work relating to statistics benchmarking of innovation policies improving the regulatory and administrative environment

5 4 Innovation policy development Three main instruments : statistical surveys analysis and studies trend chart

6 5 Analysis and studies analysis of the administrative and regulatory environment sectoral analysis the enlargement of the Union and the international dimension.

7 6 Tool for Innovation policy analysis Examine factors and conditions behind innovation. Basis for the formulation, monitoring and analysis of innovation policy. Stimulate an informed debate on the issues reviewed. Selection of authors through competitive call for tenders. Independent surveys commissioned by the Innovation Directorate. November 2002

8 7 Results achieved until November 2002 6 issues addressed in 23 studies until November 2002 : Innovation Policy  Innovation tomorrow Geographical Issues  Innovation policy issues in six candidate countries : the challenges Technology Transfer  Getting more innovation from public research. Innovation Management  Enforcing Small Firms’ Patent Rights. Innovation Finance  Corporation tax and innovation : Issues at stake and review of European Union experiences in the nineties Communication and awareness  Building an innovative economy in Europe

9 8 Dissemination of results Publications edited by OPOCE. Publications and working papers available in CORDIS website : Periodical reviews of past and current studies’ findings in publications such as ITT, Enterprise Europe Newsletters, etc Presentation of results in conferences, workshops,etc

10 9 Timetable first call : first half of 2003 in principle, an annual call for tenders

11 10 Examples of possible studies innovative public and private financing mechanisms interaction with other policies (education, regional, etc…) IPR system, competition, rules etc...

12 Enterprise Directorate General European Commission The European Trend Chart on Innovation Jean-Noël Durvy Innovation Policy, Head of Unit DG Enterprise, European Commission

13 12 Three complementary instruments: European Innovation Scoreboard –17 indicators based on available statistics Analysis of Innovation Policy Measures –Data base of > 600 schemes on the web –Country reports; Trend reports Consultation of Policy Makers at the EU level –Peer reviews on specific themes The “Innovation Trend Chart”

14 13 The European Innovation Scoreboard A request of the Lisbon Council (03/2000) Policy tool to compare national innovation performances Part of a much broader benchmarking exercise of the Commission Published yearly (next edition: 12/2002) The 2001 Innovation Scoreboard

15 14 Overall Country Trends by Innovation Index The 2001 Innovation Scoreboard

16 15 The 2002 edition of the Scoreboard Data from the “Community Innovation Survey” delayed No “summary innovation indicator” But data from Associate countries, Accession countries and EU regions Expected publication date: beginning of December 2002 The 2002 Innovation Scoreboard

17 16 Trend Chart database (1/2) Austria:43 Belgium:49 Denmark:15 Finland:16 France:27 Germany:70 Greece:51 Ireland:28 Italy: 37 Luxembourg: 7 Netherlands: 41 Portugal: 29 Spain: 29 Sweden: 19 UK: 57 Total EU:518 Information collected on 729 schemes :

18 17 Trend Chart database (2/2) Candidate Countries Cyprus:23 Czech Republic:11 Estonia:17 Hungary:28 Latvia:45 Lithuania:14 Poland 7 Romania18 Slovak Republic: 3 Slovenia: 8 Total CC:174 Associated Countries Iceland: 3 Israel: 5 Norway: 29 Total AC: 37 Grd Total:729 Information collected on 729 schemes :

19 18 “Peer reviews” of innovation policies in 2002: Spin-offs from universities and PRI’s Corporate tax and innovation Innovation policies in candidate countries Life-long learning and innovation Evaluations and trans-national policy learning (on 27/28 November 2002) See: The “Innovation Trend Chart”

20 19

21 20 Launch of Gate2Growth

22 21 The Gate2Growth Initiative The Gate2Growth Initiative is a multi-disciplinary system of professional networks, tools, help desks, information services, etc. for innovative companies : –Networks of : Early stage technology venture capital Incubators, accelerators, tech seed funds Industrial Liaison Offices of universities and research centers Academia in enterprise and innovation policy –Tools : Webbased information and business planning toolbox Business plan diagnostic and investor matching Training, exchange and partnering events The ultimate objective of the Gate2Growth Initiative is to support innovative entrepreneurs in Europe

23 22 Thematic Networks (1/2) Gate2Growth is the home for several networks of financiers, experts and service providers, supported by the Enterprise Directorate General of the European Commission : I-TecNet (target 70 members) the meeting place for early stage technology venture capital investors ProTon Europe (target 250 members) a pan-European network of Technology Offices linked to Public Research Organisations and Universities. Gate2Growth Incubator Forum (target 400 members) a pan-European network of professional managers of technology incubators and incubators linked to research institutes and universities. Gate2Growth Finance Academia (target 150 members) a pan-European network bringing together academics and researchers involved in innovation, finance and entrepreneurship

24 23 Typical activities of TN (2/2) exchange of experience and good practice moderated workshops on horizontal (eg. incubator management) and vertical (eg. biotech related) issues networking and event participation high tech cluster visits human resources development junior staff participation grants to short courses at business schools and universities, cross-border secontment programme, doctoral track, etc. access to specific services eg. Eurotech Data information service ; eg. Matching service awards and prizes eg. incubator management award, case study competition, etc.

25 24 Tools - (1/6)

26 25 Business Planning Toolbox (2/6) Online tutorials –guide2financing, glossary of financial terms –news and event listing –service center directory of innovation professionals Downloadable tools –Guide to Business Plan Writing –Guide to Financial Calculations –Budgeting Module –Guide to Financing Innovation Interactive Tools –an interactive Business Plan Company profile module, guides the entrepreneur through a set of questions to develop a complete picture of the business –discussion forums –training workshops and business clinics

27 26 Business Plan Diagnostic (3/6) Check, scoring and graphical representation : –a rapid overview of the completeness of a business plan against a number of investment criteria The criteria vary : –from industry to industry –depend on the stage of development of the business (R&D / start-up / early-stage / development / exit / MBO) The diagnostic includes : –observations, recommendations, guidance as to elements in the Business Plan which need improvement in an extensive report The diagnostic does NOT represent a value judgement about : –commercial, technical, financial or operational viability of the proposed business project or business model The business plan diagnostic is performed by a team of experienced venture capital and investment professionals

28 27 Database of investment opportunities (4/6) How does it work ? –Go to and register your company or business plan –registration requires general details, but does not surrender confidential information. The entrepreneur is in charge of the process –upon completion of the business plan, the team checks its interest with investment sources in Europe –if the project meets concrete interest, the team further checks if it presents the right characteristics. This may involve meeting the entrepreneurial team. –based on this initial due diligence, the team may propose to proceed with direct investor contact or suggest action to make the project investment-ready –the service may rely on a success fee for confirmed investment deals. The entrepreneur is at all times in charge of the process. The team will only proceed on this basis if there is concrete investor interest and if it feels confident in the project and entrepreneurial team that will be proposed to investors Listing a business plan in the database is for free and can significantly increase the chances of finding an appropriate investor Listing a business plan in the database enables the team of investment professionals to spot the project and to check its interest with investment sources in Europe

29 28 Matching (5/6) Entrepreneur Industry (sub)segment Management team Nr. of employees Development stage Amount of capital Type of financing Investment round Investor Investor type Investment range Industry (sub)segments Regional focus Investment strategy Matching proprietary matching software will try to identify potential investors based upon their investment profile within the pan-European database designed to match supply and demand of risk capital. Entrepreneurs are at all times in charge of the process, deciding which information investors are allowed to view.

30 29 50 – 70 Potential investors 20 – 25 Relevant investors 4 – 6 Interested investors Investment Online screening and matching Semi Automated matching Personal assistance to matching Month 1 Month 2 - 3 * Reduced search cost * Improved hit ratio matching services (6/6) * Shorter time to investment

31 30 More information at your disposal contact: Phone Belgium: + 32 3 220 4761 Phone Denmark: + 45 39 307 307 Financing Innovation contact:

32 31 PAXIS objectives Specific objective To contribute though a practical approach to the identification, analysis, validation and dissemination of local conditions of excellence for the creation of innovative firms

33 32 PAXIS impacts Expected outcomes Support to the creation of innovative start-ups through local stakeholders Enhance knowledge on the mechanisms of start-ups creation Provide a sound basis for the definition of the Community innovation policy

34 33 PAXIS learning process Target participants: local support organisations Learning instruments Network of regions of excellence Cross-border projects Accompanying measures Large events

35 34 Learning process (network) ANALYSIS & BENCHMARKING JOINT ACTIVITIES POOL OF ‘TACIT’ KNOWLEDGE DISSEMINATION & COMMUNICATION PLATFORM Region 4 Region1Region 3 Region 2 AM2 AM1 Policy lessons Awareness Show case Other networks

36 35 PAXIS results General issues Setting-up of a dissemination and communication platform (European showcase and awareness raising tool) Implementation of a learning process on local successful models and practices (European regional champions acted as hot spots) Integration of local resources and schemes, by fostering joint activities (European Day of the Entrepreneur).

37 36 Networking the key players and users and encouraging interaction between them Connecting key players promote change and entrepreneurial innovation supporting measures

38 37 Connecting key players Key players : venture capital operators universities and research organisations (technology transfer) incubators Interaction between players : integrated network of local excellence interaction between service providers and start-up representatives

39 38 Promote change and entrepreneurial innovation Agenda for change : cultural barriers, involvement of stakeholders and users, surveys of attitudes, action plans. Entrepreneurial innovation : virtual academia, support packages, work on managerial concepts, dissemination of management practices, involvement of business schools, universities and entrepreneurs. Experimental activities : to promote change and entrepreneurial innovation.

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