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GEOG 352: Day 7 Affordable Housing. Housekeeping Items We have someone from Awareness of Climate Change through Education and Research (ACER), Larissa,

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Presentation on theme: "GEOG 352: Day 7 Affordable Housing. Housekeeping Items We have someone from Awareness of Climate Change through Education and Research (ACER), Larissa,"— Presentation transcript:

1 GEOG 352: Day 7 Affordable Housing

2 Housekeeping Items We have someone from Awareness of Climate Change through Education and Research (ACER), Larissa, to tell you a bit about her organization. Sustainability Fair on Wednesday in front of the VIU Library – farmers’ market, free bike tune-ups, Nanaimo Car Sharing organization, and more… Also: the criteria for evaluation of presentations are up on the web site (for your projects, reference all visuals). Jordan is still sick. The topic for this week is alternative approaches to (affordable ) housing.

3 Affordable Housing What is the definition of ‘affordable housing’? According to Wikipedia, “ In economics, market failure is when the allocation of goods and services by a free market is not efficient. That is, there exists another conceivable outcome where a market participant may be made better-off without making someone else worse-off. ”What does ‘market failure’ mean in the housing context?free marketefficient Why is affordable housing in short supply in Vancouver and even, increasingly, on the Island/ Gulf Islands? Of possible interest: beautiful-empty-homes-vancouver/. beautiful-empty-homes-vancouver/

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