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Warm Up 9/19 In your journal, title this page “Warm Up 9/19” (you may use a new page or continue toward the bottom of the last page.) 1.List the patterns.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 9/19 In your journal, title this page “Warm Up 9/19” (you may use a new page or continue toward the bottom of the last page.) 1.List the patterns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 9/19 In your journal, title this page “Warm Up 9/19” (you may use a new page or continue toward the bottom of the last page.) 1.List the patterns you found on the inquiry cube from Friday. 2.Write this sentence in your journal, filling in the blank. “The more details and observations you make, the ________ _______________ you can have in your inference.” (two words). Hint: look at the objectives on the board.

2 Make your own Inquiry Cube Today you will work with a partner to create an inquiry cube on a piece of card stock. Design and color your cube first! Cut out the cube, and tape the cube together being sure to cover 1 side. Write your names on the cover and on the sticky note I give you. List all the patterns you used on the sticky note. Turn in your inquiry cube.

3 Rubric for grading Exceeds Standard – 4 Meeting Standard – 3 Approaching Standard – 2 Below Standard - 1 Pattern creation 4 or more clear & logical patterns used 3 clear & logical patterns were used Only 2 clear & logical patterns were used 1 or no clear & logical patterns evident Originality/ Neatness Obvious special attention was paid to making cube patterns original Cube professional looking Cube uses original patterns Cube is neat and usable Some cube patterns are not original Cube is difficult to read or follow at times Cube patterns are unoriginal Cube is sloppily constructed and/or messy Meeting Deadlines N/A Assignment was completed and turned in on time Assignment was not turned in when due Assignment was turned in more than 1 day late

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