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Published byMartina Robbins Modified over 9 years ago
2009-2010 P RE -H EALTH CLUB 2009-2010 S EPTEMBER 8 TH, 2009 Guest Speaker: Dr. Pfifferling “Profile of a Physician”
O VERVIEW Introduction/Welcome Code of Conduct Point system Membership/Dues procedures Announcements SHORT Introduction to Interest Groups Speaker: Dr. Pfifferling, Profile of a Physician Ice Cream social following meeting outside under the breezeway!
R EQUIRED P OINTS Every member of the Pre-Health Club must acquire 8 points/semester to be considered an active member Unless they are athletes in season – must get 4pts/semester Of the eight REQUIRED points: 3 points MUST come from attending meetings (unless there is a verified class conflict) 2 points MUST come from participation in a service event with the club (this does not include donations) Of the remaining 3 points, a maximum of ONE can come from outside volunteering (3 hours=1 point) The other points can come from any combination of meetings, donations and participation in club events.
V OLUNTEERING P OINTS Outside volunteering is ANY volunteering done outside of the club 1 point will be given for every 3 hours of volunteering VERIFICATION must be submitted to get points. Verification forms are available at the club website and can be turned in at meetings or to the HealthPac officer OR an email from a volunteering supervisor can be sent to Sarah Compton
C LASS OR W ORK C ONFLICTS ? Please email Megan Henley ( by Friday Sept. 11 Requirements: 3 meeting points are NOT required to be active however 5 SERVICE/VOLUNTEER POINTS are NEEDED.
P ROBATION Those members not getting the required 8 points in a semester will be placed on probation. On probation, members have ONE semester to make up the points they missed in addition to the points for the current semester. Ex. If you only got 6 points in the fall, you must get 10 points in the spring to remain an active member.
T-S HIRTS & H OODIES Trust Me I'm Pre-med shirts ($12) Pre-Health club T-shirts ($14) Pre-Health club hoodies ($28) Due by FRIDAY NOON - Sept 11th to Health PAC office - no exceptions - no more orders this year - no extras will be ordered
M EMBERSHIP AND D UES $15/year regardless of when you join. Payments are made in the Health PAC office in 2720 Bostian Hall Enrollment form is online now on Health PAC Click here and follow the instruction
P LEASE KEEP IN MIND It is very difficult to keep track of points for 600+ members. Please BE PATIENT! And please BE RESPONSIBLE! Make sure to sign the appropriate sheet when you turn in donations, sign the roll at meetings and events and don’t wait until the end of the semester to get your points If you have any questions about points, please email Sarah Compton, And NOT Dr. Flick!!!!!!
I NTEREST G ROUPS AED DDS Pre-Medical Pre-Dental Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Optometry Pre-PT/OT Pre-PA Pre-Podiatry Pre-Nursing Non-traditional Minority HOSA Operation Smile
A NNOUNCEMENTS Health Career Expo March 29th from 12pm-4pm and 7pm-8pm CAN FOOD DRIVE in NOVEMBER NC STATE VS UNC Central Campus VS Centennial Campus
A NNOUNCEMENT C ONT. Volunteer Opportunities! Tar Wars : anti smoking campaign for after school programs Slip Slop Slap: skin cancer sun protection campaigns for after school programs Pack Smiles: [Pre-Dental] dental care campaign for after school programs SIGN UP !!!!! after meeting
H EARTS WITH H AITI SEPTEMBER 2010: Resurrection Dance Troop at NCSU and Haiti Awareness Week Hearts with Haiti is a non-profit organization (501c3 status) which supports the mission of St. Joseph’s Family in Haiti through Nurture, Advocacy, Fundraising, Administration, and Leadership Development.
A NNOUNCEMENT C ONT …. IMAGINE NO HUNGER – URGENT NEEDS! $15 or 50 items of one of the following = 1 point Individual bags of chips, capri sun/juice boxes, individually wrapped desserts, bologna, granola bars, or crackers/nabs Operation Christmas Child/Shoebox Christmas Return by NOV. 30 th - Sign up and take a pre-printed shoebox See link for how to pack your box: If you take a box - you must sign it out - one point/box - aiming for 100 boxes packed
U PCOMING M EET AND G REETS September 23 rd from 11:00AM-1:00PM American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine October 14 th from 11:30AM-1:30PM Life University School of Chriropractice Medicine and Health Sciences Grad Programs FREE PIZZA SIGN UP under WORKSHOPS on website Location: Health Pac Conference Room
A PPLICANTS FOR F ALL 2011 NOVEMBER 10 TH Following Pre-Health meeting in 3712 Bostian Hall 8:00PM ~ 30 Minutes For students planning to apply to Medical, Dental, Optometry, or Podiatry school spring/summer of 2010 SIGN UP under Workshop on the website!!
D R. P FIFFERLING “Profile of a Physcian”
Q UESTIONS ? Ice-Cream Social Outside Under the Breezeway Afterward! Chocolate or Vanilla
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