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 Author  Title  Subject  Series  Keyword  Last name first.  Spelling counts!  Capitalization doesn’t matter.

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3  Author  Title  Subject  Series  Keyword

4  Last name first.  Spelling counts!  Capitalization doesn’t matter.

5  A search for the name of the book  Spelling still counts!  Capitalization doesn’t.

6  This search will result in a list of books to choose from.  Used the most, since it’s easier to find what we’re looking for, rather than the author’s name or the title.

7  The name of the series of books.  Spelling counts!  Will give you a list of books in that series

8  Use this when you can’t find something under the other choices.  Almost the same as a subject search.  Spelling still counts!

9  “Address” of the book; also referred to as the Spine Label.  Books are all in Number and ABC order by call number.  CAN BE the first three letters of the author’s last name (maybe numbers/decimals too!).


11  Publishing Company & City of Publication  Copyright Date  Number of Pages  Illustrations or Photos  Subjects  Call Number  Copies Owned and Available

12 Publishing Company Copyright Date Publication City Publishing Company Copyright Date Publication City Number of pages, Illustrations, Photos Number of pages, Illustrations, Photos

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