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Management Past to Present. CLASSICAL MANAGEMENT THEORISTS Taylor’s Scientific ManagementFayol’s Administrative PrinciplesWeber’s Bureaucratic Organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Management Past to Present. CLASSICAL MANAGEMENT THEORISTS Taylor’s Scientific ManagementFayol’s Administrative PrinciplesWeber’s Bureaucratic Organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management Past to Present

2 CLASSICAL MANAGEMENT THEORISTS Taylor’s Scientific ManagementFayol’s Administrative PrinciplesWeber’s Bureaucratic Organization

3 The focus is moving away from Scientific Management & productivity The HUMAN SIDE People want to be social & self-fulfilled!

4 BEHAVIOIURAL MANAGEMENT THEORISTS Mayo’s Hawthorne StudiesMaslow’s Theory of Human NeedsMcGregor’s Theory of X & Theory YArgyris’ Theory of Adult Personality

5 …at the same time HR approaches were being developed Others were investigating QUANTITATIVE MANAGEMENT APPROACHES

6  Applying mathematical techniques to management problems  Focus on rational decision making  Techniques use “economic” decision criteria, such as costs, revenues & return on investment  Mathematical solutions should be used to “support” NOT replace good managerial judgement!

7 MODERN MANAGEMENT APPROACHES build upon the foundations of classical, HR & quantitative ideas People are complex…their needs vary over time…they possess a range of talents & capabilities that can be continually developed


9 ORGANIZATIONS AS SYSTEMS  High performance by the organization as a whole occurs only when each subsystem both performs its tasks well and works well in co-operation with others.  It’s the organization’s managers responsibilities to make this coordinated action possible!

10  KEY  KEY  no one theory applies universally in all situations or to the exclusion of others  Match the managerial response to the problems & opportunities in different settings  There is NO “one best way” … what may be a good structure for one organization, may not work well for another… OR, what has worked in the past may not suit the future CONTINGENCY THINKING

11 LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS  continuously change & improve, using the lessons of experience  KEYS  KEYS  learning is encouraged & made available to everyone…emphasis on information sharing, teamwork, empowerment & participation.  Leaders in learning organizations set an example for others by embracing change

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