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Welcome to YOUR PATIENT CONGRESS Thursday, 19 th March 2015 9.30am – #hrwcongress.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to YOUR PATIENT CONGRESS Thursday, 19 th March 2015 9.30am – #hrwcongress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to YOUR PATIENT CONGRESS Thursday, 19 th March 2015 9.30am – 12.00pm @HRW_CCG #hrwcongress

2 HEN Representative, Richmondshire JANE RITCHIE, MBE Community update

3 Clinical Chief Officer, HRW CCG VICKY PLEYDELL Our Beacon of Rural Healthcare, being Fit 4 the Future and our commitment to engage you

4 Update Out of hours and community services in Whitby Virgin Care selected as the service provider after a rigorous and in- depth process Public engagement directly influenced the specifications bidders were asked to meet Maternity and child health services Hope to have two new child health specialists shortly Hope to have opening times back to normal as soon as possible Approaching our 100 th baby in the maternity centre this week

5 Update Shuttle bus between Friarage and James Cook Transporting nearly 200 patients a week Extra patient transport and improved ambulance response times GPs have access to more patient transport, freeing up ambulances to respond more quickly St Theresa's Hospice at the Friary For patients too poorly to travel to Darlington Giving invaluable physical and emotional support

6 Update Open for longer GPs are testing the benefits of evening opening hours in Hambleton and Richmondshire including weekend GP clinics at The Friarage Hospital or Harewood Medical Centre Community nursing in Whitby Now available 24/7 New Step by Step partnership Helping people to stay healthy and fit

7 Update Geriatric Multi-Disciplinary Team clinics at Friarage and Friary These “one stop” clinics help us to identify and resolve issues of frailty as early as possible and prevent patients and families going into crisis Developments at the Friarage Hospital Two new surgeons, one new acute physician and new GP Hospitalists scheme all appointed at the Friarage

8 Update Age UK: Home from hospital The Age UK team take elderly people home from hospital and help them to settle in ESK valley community support A support worker helping to reduce social isolation in this deeply rural community

9 This year Bringing together A&E and GP out of hours Better for patients Joining up health and social care To make them run more smoothly Diabetes Pathway Making sure the care and support for patients is better at every step

10 This year Doctors linked to the hospital Via their computer at home – so they can offer expert help whenever it’s needed The Dales Working with the communities to design what will work for them Online patient care plans Providing patients with access to their care plans online which they can share if they wish

11 A Beacon of Rural Healthcare Keep the Friarage Hospital at the centre of healthcare for local people Treat people as close to home as possible Focus on keeping people fit and well Join up local services so they make sense to people Rethink how can better support rural communities

12 Q&As Panel: David Williams Dr Mark Hodgson Vicky Pleydell Gill Collinson Jane Ritchie

13 INVOLVING YOU …….in your local health & care planning What are the different ways you can get involved?

14 THE TABLE TOP TOUR 1. Finding out about PPGs 2. Would you like to join the HEN? 3. Learn more about volunteering 4. Would you like to play Strictly Come Commissioning? 10 minutes at each table

15 THE FUTURE How would you like to be involved? What would work in the future?

16 Imagine… You are the person on your wrist: How would you like to get involved in local health and care services? What is good or could be better?


18 THANK YOU @HRW_CCG 0800 068 8000

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