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Medication Administration Refresher Course. Format of class Basic Review Scenarios and Practice Questions answered.

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Presentation on theme: "Medication Administration Refresher Course. Format of class Basic Review Scenarios and Practice Questions answered."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medication Administration Refresher Course

2 Format of class Basic Review Scenarios and Practice Questions answered

3 What I need from you: Three white 3x5 cards – Write one question or problem you have about giving medicines. One colored 3x5 card – One aspect of the medication administration system that you think needs improvement.

4  Right medication  Right dose  Right manner/route  Right time  Right person  Right documentation

5 Getting Ready to Give the Medication Check medication against MAR 3 times Wash hands Make sure you know the medication and side effects.

6 Client + Medication Position Safety Considerations Timing

7 How to give medications… Orally Topical Sublingual Eye Drops Ear Drops Rectal Vaginal Nasal

8 Documentation When do you document? How do you document?

9 Charting Codes Charting CodeWhen you use it YR (your initial) When you sign for a medication YR When the medication is not given W When the client is at work YR

10 What does a correct doctor’s prescription include? Client’s name Name of medication Dosage of medication Route How often and/or how long? Reason

11 Disposal of Medications Non-controlled Controlled

12 Competencies related to medication administration Where is the information about the client? Where is the drug book in the house? What rights do the clients have with regards to their medicines?

13 Scenario #1 It is 8 AM at Paragon House. Time for morning medications for John. His medications are: Dilantin 100 mg tablets. One tablet twice a day for seizures. Milk of Magnesia. 1 tablespoon by mouth daily for constipation. Prilosec 20 mg by mouth daily for GERD.

14 Scenario #2 John is complaining of a headache. What do you do? How do you document?

15 Scenario #3 Your house manager asks to you to check the date on the medications. What are you looking for? How do you go about this?

16 Questions from cards

17 Evaluation of class

18 Thank you Thank you for doing your job. Thank you for your caring.

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