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The Role of Information Systems Integration on User Information Satisfaction with E- Government Initiatives Ulingeta O.L. Mbamba (PhD),UDBS Gerald Magova,

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of Information Systems Integration on User Information Satisfaction with E- Government Initiatives Ulingeta O.L. Mbamba (PhD),UDBS Gerald Magova,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of Information Systems Integration on User Information Satisfaction with E- Government Initiatives Ulingeta O.L. Mbamba (PhD),UDBS Gerald Magova, UDBS

2 Presentation Layout Introduction Literature Review Conceptual Framework Research Methodology Analysis and Presentation of Findings Discussion of the Findings Conclusion and Recommendation

3 Introduction The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania like any other country has several organs. The management of these institutions requires good e-government efforts in order to coordinate these efforts in all aspects Through its national ICT policy, the government shows the importance of having e-Government in the public service in order to improve public service delivery

4 Introduction…… As a consequence, in 2004, President’s Office was given a mandate to formulate e- government policy and implement it (URT, 2008) As a result several information systems have been developed (Yonazi, 2010). Examples of theses systems are MOLIS, IFIMS, EMIS, HCMIS, PO-PSM, POLIS, etc

5 Introduction……. Anecdotal evidence from these systems indicates that there are several challenges such as planning, coordination and integration, inadequate funding, poor telecommunication infrastructure, limited awareness and understanding of e – Government initiatives and its benefits (Mutagaywa, Kinyeki & Ulanga, 2007).

6 Introduction….. There are a number of efforts done; however, most of these are implemented in isolations which do not add expected values One of the areas that need to be critically evaluated is the role of systems integration on user information satisfaction. To accomplish this task, the study evaluated satisfaction of users of these systems in the following aspects: Service, Online Government Transaction, Security Features and quality features

7 Literature Review The theory used to give understanding of the phenomenon is information systems effectiveness (DeLone & McLean, 2003; DeLone & McLean, 1992) This theory brings on board several components of information system success like system quality, information quality, use, user satisfaction which leads to individual impact and later to organizational impact.

8 Literature Review….. Several studies were critically reviewed such as Saxena (2005), Singh, Pathak and Naz (2010) We found little have been done on the area of information system integration and their influence on user information satisfaction.

9 Literature Review…. Following the above argument the following conceptual model was developed IS Integration Service Satisfaction Online Government Transaction Security Features Quality Features User information satisfaction

10 Literature Review….. To confirm the conceptual model, the following hypotheses were tested Hypothesis 1: There is a direct relationship between IS integration and user service satisfaction of e-government systems. Hypothesis 2: There is a direct relationship between IS integration and satisfaction with online government transaction Hypothesis 3: There is a direct relationship between IS integration and satisfaction with security features of e- government systems Hypothesis 4: There is a direct relationship between IS integration and satisfaction with quality features of e- government systems

11 Research Methodology 273 Respondents participated in this study and these came from government officials and normal citizens The sampling method was convenience sampling and for that reasons researcher was very carefully in selecting respondents. The questionnaire was pre tested and piloted

12 Findings Data was analysed through SPSS using descriptive statistics analysis where cross tabulation was conducted to perform chi- square tests This study used Cronbach’s Alpha measure because it provides a sound estimate of the reliability of a set of test results. The study reached a conservative figure of 0.851

13 Findings…. The findings shows that 88.6 % of the respondents agreed that systems are not integrated There is little effort to integrate these systems In addition, 61.2% of the respondents were not satisfied with e-government systems

14 Findings ……. Four hypotheses were tested to evaluate and assess the relationship between IS integration on the four independent variables The following table summarizes the hypothesis testing under testing for the independence of two variables under Chi- Square procedure The results are significant if p-value <0.05

15 Findings …… Chi- Square Value Asymp. Sig. (2- sided IS integration and Satisfaction of services of e-government systems 51.1050.0001 IS integration and Satisfaction with online government transaction 46.9610.0001 IS integration and Satisfaction with Security features of E-Government Systems 29.9870.0001 IS integration and satisfaction with quality features of e-government systems 81.6770.0001

16 Findings….. From the last slide, it is evident that all are variables are significant since p-values are less than hypothesized p-value 0.05. Therefore there is a relationship between Information system Integration and User information satisfaction.

17 Discussion of the Findings and Recommendation For effective e-government initiative presence of integrated information systems is paramount Users will have to be satisfied with service, online government transaction, security features and quality features of e-government websites and other electronic means.

18 Discussion….. This finding is consistent with a study by Wauters and Lörincz (2008) who reported that these days, because of growing attentiveness on consumer rights, and expectations, citizens and business expect the same level of quality and responsive government services as they generally experience with private sector.

19 Discussion …. In addition, users may become dissatisfied with e-government system due to several factors:- unsatisfactory usability, lack of citizen’s orientation inaccessibility of community services

20 Discussion…. If e-government systems services do not take advantage of user impact and enhance user value a vicious cycle is developed. Examples could include community indifferences, little hope in government organizations, and increased costs of community elimination.

21 Recommendations make sure that developed systems deliver the intended purposes and that user of the systems are aware of the system applicability Encourage delivery of some of government services with e-government systems Make ICT investments in whatever form a priority of the nation

22 Recommendation…. increase and raise citizens’ awareness on the role and potential of ICT Finding appropriate mechanism and platform that will coordinate the policy and finally its implementations Coordinate all efforts of e-government system development so that integration of these is made possible

23 The End

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