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 Created late 2008 (November, December)  Last opportunity for Sector Members to comment on the structure and processes of PDEP was between March – May.

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2  Created late 2008 (November, December)  Last opportunity for Sector Members to comment on the structure and processes of PDEP was between March – May 2009 ◦ Values ◦ Operational principles ◦ Partners and members ◦ Structure, administration and organization ◦ Actions for 2009-10

3 The partnership will: 1. develop integrated competencies for regulation, education and accreditation and undertake regular review and updating of the competencies as needed in a dynamic profession 2. advocate for enhanced capacity in dietetics education and training to provide a dietetic workforce that meets the health needs of Canadians and their communities, and 3. maintain a functional, sustainable partnership entity (i.e. governance?)

4  Action oriented ◦ Creation of ICDEPs ◦ Successful federal grant application ◦ Review of education accreditation standards  Investigative actions ◦ Preliminary discussions re workforce matters ◦ Investigations about models of governance ◦ Discussions about Prior Learning Assessment

5  Time now to review the assumptions of 2009 ◦ What is our vision for PDEP? What contributions will it make? ◦ What will it work on and what will it not? ◦ Who are the members of PDEP? What are their rights (and obligations)? ◦ How does PDEP set priorities for action going forward? ◦ How to we ensure sustainability into the long term?

6  Mary Lou Gignac (SC - PDEP)  Doug Cook (SC)  Corinne Eisenbraun (SC)  Marsha Sharp  Kayla Glynn (SC)  Gord Zello

7  Time to take stock, ensure understanding, get engagement and agreement of all sector partners  Intend to use the approaches that have been successful to date: ◦ Consultation ◦ Iteration ◦ Consensus building  Today is a beginning of the conversation….

8  PDEP Current State ◦ Backgrounder describing the first few years of PDEP’s operation, the values that underpin the partnership, the nature of the work undertaken, accomplishments and resources used to advance its work.  Terms of Reference - Partners Working Group on Future Options ◦ Approved by the PDEP SC, May 22, 2013

9  Vision for the Future of the Partnership for Dietetic Education and Practice ◦ purpose of the session is to reflect on PDEP’s strengths and limitations and begin the visioning for the future of PDEP

10 1. What are the strengths of the current partnership? ◦ mandate, principles, able to achieve consensus to act on priorities, reach/ engagement of members/ stakeholders to date, data/feedback/evaluation? 2. What are the limitations of the current partnership? ◦ as above 3. PDEP’s focus (mandate) has been the “areas of intersection” among the 3 partner sectors. What is the collective view of the "mandate" of the dietetics education sector (CAPPHN meeting)? How would you define or describe the "areas of intersection" for a distinct and clear mandate for PDEP? 4. How do the sectors/members expect to be involved with PDEP in matters such as bringing issues forward, identifying projects, decision making, and ensuring PDEP is accountable to funders? Perspectives of 3 partners, Convergence of views

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