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Mandate of Heaven By Henry Chu Temple Master. Introduction The concept of “Mandate of Heaven” is the core concept behind the manifestation of Tao Everything.

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Presentation on theme: "Mandate of Heaven By Henry Chu Temple Master. Introduction The concept of “Mandate of Heaven” is the core concept behind the manifestation of Tao Everything."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mandate of Heaven By Henry Chu Temple Master

2 Introduction The concept of “Mandate of Heaven” is the core concept behind the manifestation of Tao Everything that the world is experiencing comes from the Mandate of Heaven Even in the Bible, there is reference to the Mandate of Heaven, when Jesus said: “Thy Will be done, Thy Kingdom come” Here is Temple’s perspective on Mandate of Heaven

3 Mandate of Heaven Mandate of Heaven is the Will of God Yes, we are the Co-creator and for the most part, God has left us alone to create the world as we please However, when the complexity of human interactions has hijacked creation and the world is headed for destruction, then an “intervention” is needed, then that’s when God intervene with a Mandate of Heaven

4 Mandate of Heaven In the Heaven of Truth, God’s Mandate first manifests as a selection of a Divine Agent. This Divine Agent is a being of great virtue and high capacity and can embody the specific requirement of the Mandate In our case of the current Mandate, that Divine Agent is our beloved Grand Teacher Maitreya Buddha

5 Mandate of Heaven After the selection of Divine Agent, the Mandate of Heaven is transmitted to the Heaven of Spirits and the recruitment of Heavenly Army takes place The legendary story behind the recruitment is that Maitreya Buddha first refused the Mandate of Heaven and he said the spirits of the people of this world are too corrupted for Ascension, so he cannot accept the Mandate

6 Mandate of Heaven Legendary story continue: – God was infuriated by Maitreya Buddha’s refusal and threaten to cast him into the world of Abyss – That’s when all the other holy spirits stepped up and told Maitreya Buddha that they will all help with the Mission and that he won’t have to shoulder the great responsibility by himself – Maitreya Buddha consented to the Mandate after the promise of the holy spirits and so the holy army is formed

7 Mandate of Heaven The Mandate of Heaven transitions into this world with the birth of 17 th Patriarch and the spreading of Tao and the creation of Temple Community The mission has been here for over 100 years and has experienced great challenges and great flourishing In the US, the Tao has just begun its transmission and so great prospect is ahead

8 Mandate of Heaven In the Material World, the Mandate of Heaven is manifested as the Members of the Temple Community (yes, we are all Mandates of Heaven) However, Tao Transmission Masters are the most revered as the representatives of the Mandate of Heaven This is the reason we bowed to Transmission Masters during entrance and exit bows

9 Mandate of Heaven When a member completes the Dharma Meeting and establishes any of the Six Great Vows, he or she receives holy guardians because he or she is now apart of the Holy Mission and therefore he or she is now apart of the Mandate of Heaven (part of the reasons people don’t come back to the temple after the Dharma Meeting as well) The more vows the person has, the greater the temple involvement and the greater guardians the person will receive

10 Mandate of Heaven Ultimately, when we established all six vows and be fully immersed in the mission then we too can become true Mandate of Heaven and receive full Heavenly Support In that state full Heavenly Support, we become the true agent of God and great miracles can manifest through our experience in the world (and great merits can be achieved as well)

11 Conclusion The Holy Mission of Maitreya Buddha is the descend of Mandate of Heaven into this world The Mandate of Heaven manifests as the command to Maitreya Buddha, the assembly of the army of holy spirits and the formation of temple communities in this world The cultivation of Tao enables us to be commanders of holy army and great miracles can manifest with the cultivation of Tao

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