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2014 National Training NT 1409 2014 National Training NT 1409.

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1 2014 National Training NT 1409 2014 National Training NT 1409


3 This FGBMFI was born out of a God-given passion and then, a literal vision. This vision essentially was and is, to create an environment where men (in generic terms), should be given an opportunity to call other men like themselves back to God. It is a heavenly mandate requiring committed and sold-out spirit-filled men to accomplish God’s desire

4 In Romans 10:11-15, God painted a picture of a great desire to see His plan fulfilled. The profound questions are: how can anybody believe God, if they have not heard? How can they hear, if there are no preachers? How can they preach, if they have not been sent? How can they be sent if they are not available? How can they be available if they do not understand and are committed?

5 The bottom line is that, God's greatest desire is that, the lost be recovered for Him. Men are needed to fulfill God’s heart desires and the FGBMFI mandate. If men are needed, then YOU are needed. Consequently, the Fellowship needs YOU, to achieve its vision and mandate.

6 1.Restate and Underscore the relevance of the Vision. 2.Establish that the Vision is about Men. 3.Assist Members to Appreciate their Unique Roles. 4.Establish that the Fellowship Needs Men generally, and YOU in particular.

7 1.Global movement of Laymen, with a mandate to call men back to God. 2.Baptize them into the Holy Spirit and Teach them to walk in the Spirit. 3.Prepare and release them into their gifts/callings. 4.Unite the body of believers 5.Help them to grow Spiritually

8 1.Many lost souls abound all around us. 2.There is no discrimination with God. 3.God made Jesus to die for all. 4.God desires full returns for His investment. 5.God has given His chosen men His power of Attorney

9 1.Are you Born Again? 2.Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit? 3.Do you share the Vision of FGBMFI? 4.Are you a Chapter Member/Officer/Leader? 5.Do you have compassion for the Unsaved? 6.Will be a Part of the Fulfillment of The Vision?

10 1.Conduct trainings, seminars, advances, etc and all year round. 2.Run meetings enabling members to demonstrate their potentials. 3.Men are thus sent to their respective Fields (market places), for Ministry. 4.FGBMFI Vision is being fulfilled through available men.

11 1.The Fellowship depends on men to realise it's mandate. 2.There will be no FGBMFI without men like you. 3.Fund the expenses of the Fellowship. 4.Attend meetings and Pray for the Fellowship. 5.Serve as Facilitators and Engage in Ministry. 6.Committed and Sold-out men are key to Success.

12 1.Made by God and for Him. 2.You exist by the grace and pleasure of God. 3.God demands service from His people 4."Woe is me, if I fail to serve the Master!” Can you honestly say that? 5.Failure will delay the promised coming of Jesus. 6.God is not interested in losing yet another potential soul by your being inactive.

13 1.Every man must have a Master. 2.A steward must give an account someday. 3.Serving God attracts tremendous gains. 4.There are promised rewards and awards.

14 5. There is joy and Fulfillment serving Jesus. 6. Remember the 'beautiful feet' promise. 7. You certainly need God and FGBMFI. 8. Go out from here and demonstrate it.

15 “From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which EVERY joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of EVERY part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.” Eph 4:16

16 FGBMFI Chapter is like a Body with different joints and parts The Body grows when EVERY joint supplies something and EVERY part works effectually What Do You Supply To FGBMFI?

17 Are You The Missing Link?

18 Discuss Practical Ways In Which To Encourage Full Participation Of Members In Your Chapter

19 Let Us Pray

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