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The Texas Revolution. Objective By the end of this presentation students should be able to tell the result of the war was.

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Presentation on theme: "The Texas Revolution. Objective By the end of this presentation students should be able to tell the result of the war was."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Texas Revolution

2 Objective By the end of this presentation students should be able to tell the result of the war was

3 Background info The war began in 1835 It was fought between the settlers of Texas and the Republic of Mexico

4 How it Started After Mexico gained it's independence from Spain many Americans began to settle in Texas Soon, they began to outnumber the Mexicans and the Mexicans

5 How It Started Continued Mexico later adopted new laws which Abolished slavery Many Texan were angered by this and started a revolt against the Mexican Republic And so started the Mexican Revolution...


7 The Battle of Gonzales This was the first battle fought in the Texas Revolution It started whenever a force of 100 Mexicans were sent to retrieve a cannon that was provided to the city of Gonzalez for defense against Native American attacks The Texans were not willing to give the cannon up so they sent messengers to neighboring towns to help defend it. The Texan constructed force of 150 men and succeeded at defending the cannon A nickname for this battle is the Lexington of Texas because the first battle of the Revolutionary war was the battle of Lexington


9 The Goliad Campaign of 1835 The control of the town of Goliad was a key position to obtain in this war The location of this position was 50 miles up the San Antonio River and was on a route between San Antonio and the port of Copano. During the war the main forces of the area left to go to San Antonio and left a mere 30 men to protect it While the town was vulnerable the Texans marched forth with a force of 50 men and succeeded at taking this position

10 Battle of Concepcion This battle was led by Captains James Bowie and James W. Fannin Jr On the morning of October 28 1835 these captains and a force of 90 volunteers of the Texan army encountered a much larger Mexican force

11 Battle of Conception Continued This battle was fought mostly in very thick fog caused inaccurate open fire. After thirty short minutes of fighting, the Mexicans retreated The Texans suffered on 1 death and one man wounded, while the Mexicans suffered 14 men dead and 39 with wounds

12 Grass Fight This was only a minor skirmish Mexican Calvary were traveling near a Texan Camp The Texan thought they had silver in their possession and fired and killed them To their misfortune it turned out to only be grass

13 Declaration of Independence This Declaration of Independence was literally made overnight It needed to be done quickly because the most famous battle of the whole war was about to take place... The Battle of the Alamo

14 The Battle of the Alamo This was the most famous battle of the revolution In this battle the Texans planned to defend the Alamo against the Mexicans It was led by David Crockett and James Bowie It lasted 13 days, Feburary 23 to March 6

15 The Battle of the Alamo Continued Just 189 Texan face a powerful force of 1800 Mexicans Every single Texan was killed They would not go down without a fight though, and took the lives of 600 Mexicans

16 The Battle of San Jacinto This was the final battle for Texas's Independence The battle was fought in present day Harris Country, Texas It took place on the 21 of April 1836

17 The Battle of Jacinto Continued 750 Texans faced 1500 Mexicans Sam houston sent out a few spies to destroy the brige that the Mexicans crossed Because of these tactic the Texans were triumphant in this battle

18 What Happens next? On May 14 1836 both the public and the private treaties of Velasco were signed This confirmed the retreat of Mexico and gave Texas it's independence Unfortunately the treaties were not accepted and the two nations remained at war for most of the existence of the Republic of Texas

19 Expansion Later on Texas was annexed by the United States which added to the territory of the U.S. Which never would have happened if it didn't gain independence


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