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December 15, 2009 Tribal Budget Advisory Council Arlington, VA Mary Jane Miller Director, Office of Budget Management Indian Affairs FY 2011 Budget Development.

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Presentation on theme: "December 15, 2009 Tribal Budget Advisory Council Arlington, VA Mary Jane Miller Director, Office of Budget Management Indian Affairs FY 2011 Budget Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 December 15, 2009 Tribal Budget Advisory Council Arlington, VA Mary Jane Miller Director, Office of Budget Management Indian Affairs FY 2011 Budget Development Update

2 FY 10 Apr-May-Jun ‘10 FY 10 Jan-Feb-Mar ‘10 Mar 14-16, 2010 National Meeting Park Hyatt Washington Budget Timeline TBAC Schedule: Dec 14-16, 2009 Sheraton National, VA ‘09 ‘12 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘10 ‘09 ‘11 ‘12 FY 10 Jul-Aug-Sep ‘10 ‘13 Close out/ Execution Close out/ Execution Close out/ Execution Budget Execution; Close out ARRA Budget Execution ARRA unoblig to be redistributed FY11 President’s Budget submitted To Congress Tribes work with Congress; Action by House Approps FY11 Budget Congressional Action & lobbying results Tribes/IA to establish FY11 budget options within targets 2012 Tribal briefs; 2012 Budget request submit to Dept FY 12 Budget Embargoed -- Executive Branch Deliberations N/A FY 13 –Adopt Tribal/IA priorities N/A FY 10 Oct-Nov-Dec ‘09 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 Close out/ Execution FY10 Enactment; Budget Execution Close out ARRA FY 11 Budget Embargoed -- Executive Branch Deliberations Tribes set strategy re: 2012 priorities N/A May 17-19, 2010 Washington, DC Aug 2-4, 2010 Tulsa, OK We are Here Budget Execution Complete ARRA

3 Federal Appropriations Process as it Impacts Tribes FY ‘10FY ‘11 FY ‘12FY ‘13 1 2 3 4__ O N D J F M A M J J A S 1 2 3 4 We are here FY ’12 Budget Targets Set BIA & Tribes Executive Branch FY ’12 Budget Deliberations BIA Tribes DOI BIA OMB DOI BIA Tribal Opportunities Dialogue Pre-embargo Cong Action on 11 Budget FY ’13 Budget Execution FY ’12 Budget Execution FY ’11 Budget Execution Cong Action on 12 Budget Strategy efforts FY ’12 2 nd yr Exec. /Close out FY ’11 2 nd yr Exec. /Close out FY ‘13 Budget Targets Set BIA & Tribes Only if CR 2011 PB sent to Congress

4 FY 2011 Budget Development Update Sep 14, 2009 –Budget request sent to OMB Several target levels were required below the requested level September: Briefings provided to OMB examiners Human Service Education Law Enforcement ILCA Community & Economic Development Trust

5 FY 2011 Budget Development Update November 30: Pass back received from OMB December 1: Appeals submitted December 2: Politicals met with Deputy Secretary December 3: Secretary signs appeals to OMB December 4: OMB examiners ask for more details

6 FY 2011 What’s to come End December: Final results of pass back January: Prepare President’s Budget Feb 1: Formal submission of Obama budget & Roll- out

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