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Fiscal Policy/Federal Budget 15.3 Federal Budget—the Federal Gov’t plan for the use of government revenues. 3 Reasons for development of Federal Budget:

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Presentation on theme: "Fiscal Policy/Federal Budget 15.3 Federal Budget—the Federal Gov’t plan for the use of government revenues. 3 Reasons for development of Federal Budget:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fiscal Policy/Federal Budget 15.3 Federal Budget—the Federal Gov’t plan for the use of government revenues. 3 Reasons for development of Federal Budget: –Wartime Spending—Rises sharply during war –Increased Corruption—Believed to reduce –Progressive Reform—More accountable to the public.

2 The Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 President submits annual budget to Congress for its approval. In 1974, the Office of Management and Budget was created ( OMB). The Budget Process Today: –Developed by the President and his staff –Analyzed by the Congress –After analysis, returned to President for his signature –President can veto if he disapproves

3 Government Committees House Appropriations Committee –40% of total federal spending Armed Services Committee Foreign Relations Committee Committee, Committee, Committee, etc. –Why do our elected representatives want to be on these committees?

4 Federal Budget Deficits 15.3 Fiscal Year—is a 12 month financial period that typically does not duplicate the dates of the calendar year. Federal Budget Deficits: –Deficit—when the government spends more money than it collects. –Surplus—when the government collects more money than it spends.

5 Federal Budget Deficits 15.3 Deficit Spending—the policy of the government spending more money for programs than it is able to cover with it’s revenues. –1992 budget deficit was $300B –2003 budget deficit was around $600B

6 Why Budget Deficits ? 15.3 1. National Emergencies—ex. Wars 2. Social Programs 3. Stimulate economy during recessions The National Debt: is the total amount of money that the federal government has borrowed, and includes all deficits from previous years. –1790 = $75 million –1917 = $ 1 billion –1996 = $5 trillion –2003 = $7 trillion

7 The National Debt 15.3 Debt Ceiling—Is the limit on the size of the national debt. –1918-- $12.5 Billion –1986 -- $2 Trillion –1996 -- $5.5 Trillion –2003--$8.0 Trillion  Impact of National Debt:  1995—Government paid $232 Billion in interest  Could that money be used in other places?  What do we get for this $232 B ?

8 Balancing the Federal Budget Two Ways to Balance Budget: –1. Increasing Revenues– ex. Raise taxes –2. Decreasing Expenditures— 1990’s closed many military bases  Legislating a Balanced Budget—  Gramm-Rudman Act—1985, said that the federal budget must be balanced within 5 years.  Every program was cut  Did not achieve full budget balancing

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