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Basics of Computer. 1. a)What do you mean by Data Processing?Explain the various data processing methods? b) Explain the Information with its various.

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Presentation on theme: "Basics of Computer. 1. a)What do you mean by Data Processing?Explain the various data processing methods? b) Explain the Information with its various."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basics of Computer

2 1. a)What do you mean by Data Processing?Explain the various data processing methods? b) Explain the Information with its various levels? 2 Draw a block Diagram to illustrate the basic components of Computer System and Explain the Components of the various units? 3 Differentiate between a) Hardware and Software b) RAM and ROM c) Analog and Digital Computer d) Flat Bed Plotter and Drum Plotter 4 a) What is Secondary Storage?How does it Different from Primary Storage? b) Distinguish between a sequential access, a direct access and a random access storage device? Write on example of each? 5 What is Printer? Explain different types of Printers in detail?

3 6. Write note on a) Image Processing b) Resolution Factor c) Configuration Of Computers 7. a) What is Software?Explain various types of Software with example? b) Differentiate between Vector Graphics and Raster Graphics? Write their Advantages and Disadvantages? 8. a) What is Chart? Discuss Various types of Business Charts? b) Differentiate between i) Slide and Slide Layout ii) Animation and Transition 9. What is Word Processing Software? List some Key features supported by Word Processing Software? Write down the steps to prepare, save and print the Text document? 10 a) Define Search Engine? Give some examples of Search Engine? b) Write short note on i) Fashion Photography ii) Net Exploreriii)Scanners

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