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18. December 2006 Banedanmark Draft Signalling implementation plan.

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1 18. December 2006 Banedanmark Draft Signalling implementation plan

2 1 Banedanmark Railway Network

3 2 Capacity, performance, obsolescence and economic requirements are the key drivers to determine asset replacement strategy Interlocking asset type Remaining life key drivers Electro mechanical Relay based Semi computer based e.g. 1977 DSB Semi computer based e.g. 1977 DSB Spares shortage and re-servicing capability Ability to modify for future capacity needs and supply chain management Ability to modify for future capacity needs and supply chain management Spares and know how which make renewal challenging Spares and know how which make renewal challenging Source: Booz Allen Hamilton analysis Spares and know how which make renewal challenging Spares and know how which make renewal challenging 1. gen. computer based e.g. 1990 DSB 1. gen. computer based e.g. 1990 DSB

4 3 Capacity utilisation

5 4 Age of Interlockings and Lineblock

6 5 Danish assets are quite old…  Following a ”natural” renewal scheme almost 46 % of all Interlockings and Lineblocks would be renewed before 2015.  These calculations are based on expected high Service life for existing Relay based Interlockings (55 ys.),  and in fact optimistic Service lifes for existing electronic IL’s(35 years for EBILOCK 850 & SICAS S5..)  This fact is a key driver for the business case

7 6 And Danish ATP is also ageing  ZUB123 was developed from 1987-1990, based on ZUB100 from Siemens. Part of the hardware dates back to the late 70’ties. Service life ends 2011(Contract for 25 years).  Life extension programme(20 % reinvestment) for the ATC Infrastructure side will be undertaken 2007-11, and is estimated to prolong Service life until 2020, at which point the system must be renewed. Most onboard systems can live until 2020 with small scale life extension.  Very few people support hardware as well as software of this type today, and the specific development platform and software is essentially only supported by 1 or 2 engineers at Siemens.  ZUB 100 product line is no longer supported by Siemens Braunschweig

8 7 What is ERTMS?  Common Interoperable European specification managed by the European Railway Agency, and supported by products from 6 major signalling manufacturers  Mandatory for new lines and larger reinvestment in signalling and train control on the operationally integrated European Railway Network (~All DK lines excluding S-bane)  Current baseline is SRS 2.3.0, Next baseline (3.0.0) is planned for 2010/11, including a number of essential functions for conventional lines.  Installed on more than 6.000 km of lines today, expected 18.000 km in 2008.

9 8 ERTMS level 1 based signalling –Overlay to existing signalling comparable to existing Danish “ATC” –Requires colour light signals and National Operational rules(SR75 or the like) –A lot of complex and sensitive equipment close to the tracks –Capacity dictated by block design and signalling sighting needs –Expensive to increase capacity –Costly to operate and maintain

10 9 ERTMS level 2 based signalling –New Radio based signalling system, comparable to up-to-date Metro signalling –Reduces the need for colour light signals by approx 80% (theoretically there’s no need) –Normal operational mode covered by European Operational Rules. –Very little complex and sensitive equipment close to tracks –Capacity only related to block design –High capacity ”only” requires shorter train detection sections

11 10 ERTMS Regional based signalling –Near future Radio based signalling system, comparable to Level 2 –Reduces the need for colour light signals to a minimum –Normal operational mode covered by European Operational Rules. –Virtually no complex and sensitive equipment close to tracks –Substantial savings on Signalling Infrastructure cost (no train detection) compared to present system, L1 as well as L2 –Suitable for low capacity lines

12 11 The draft mainline implementation plan includes two ERTMS level 2 migration schemes starting in service by 2010  …followed by a mainline roll out from North Jutland (Langå) by 2013, heading South and East to Odense by 2015, and Copenhagen including connection to Sweden by 2018. Rest of the network from 2017 to 2020 most likely with ERTMS Regional Region 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Holbæk - Kalundborg, Næstved - Gedser Zealand Roskilde - Køge – Næstved Funen Fredericia – Odense- Nyborg- Korsør Jutland Langå -Ålborg – Frederikshavn Langå - Århus H Århus H – Vejle - Fredericia Fredericia-Esbjerg, Esbjerg - Varde – Skjern, Vejle - Herning - Holstebro - Struer – Thisted, Langaa – Struer, Skanderborg – Herning, Herning - Skjern – Holstebro, Lunderskov – Padborg, Tinglev- Sønderborg, Bramming - Ribe – Tønder, Århus H – Grenå Korsør – Ringsted – Roskilde - København H, København H (Fjern)/Vigerslev – Peberholm, København H – Helsingør, Roskilde-Holbæk, Ringsted – Rødby Fg Route KEY Migration Schemes Mainline ERTMS L2 Secondary lines ERTMS L2 or Reg. Odense – Svendborg

13 12 The draft S-bane implementation plan includes a migration scheme on the Northern line starting in service by 2013/14  …followed by a roll out on the other fingers 2015-16. The Circular line will be finished last around 2017. Region 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Flintholm- Hellerup S-bane Hellerup-Hillerød Svanemøllen – Farum, København - Høje Tåstrup, Valby – Frederikssund, Skelbæk – Køge, København - Klampenborg Route KEY Migration Scheme Main roll out Circular line

14 13

15 14 Rolling stock fitment plans Migration Main Roll out Øresund

16 15 Main target 1: Increase train-path Punctuality on Mainline

17 16 Main target 2: Increase train-path Punctuality on S-bane

18 17 Summary/assumptions roll out  Signalling system totally renewed by 2020(2018). High reliability centralised system.  Cab signalled Railway based on ERTMS level 2 and likely ERTMS Regional for rural lines.  80 % of all signals will be decommissioned. Only signals for shunting at stations and yards (and possibly supporting a simple station to station fall-back operational mode)  2 CTC centres to cover the Network, normal running based on timeplan/train number system and conflict handling/advanced decision support for disruptions.  Fibre optic transmission for whole Network  Joint less Train detection (Presumably Axle counters)  Massive parallel roll out, in the later stages

19 18 Summary/assumptions continued  525 Rolling stock units to be mainly retrofitted at an expected cost below 100 K€ each (Business Case uses 130-210 K€).  GSM-R voice Radio planning tender will be issued end of this year including optional Circuit Switched Data for Migration schemes.  Network will be extended with GSM-R data in 2012-15, expected on basis of GPRS for ETCS.  Pilots based on ETCS baseline 2.3.0 + tests of 3.0.0 functions  National roll out based on ETCS baseline 3.0.0  STM development starts 2007, delivery 2009/10. Needed for Pilots and Øresund 2009/10 due to Swedish Malmø citytunnel. Need for close cooperation between Danish and Swedish ERTMS programmes. At some point also with Germany if they decide for anything in their Northern region. If Fehmarn decision Germany will also be high priority

20 19 Questions? Thank you for your attention

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