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STRA.S.S.E STRA.S.S.E. STRAtegic Spatial Planning and Sustainable Environment Palacky University Olomouc Department of geoinformatics.

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Presentation on theme: "STRA.S.S.E STRA.S.S.E. STRAtegic Spatial Planning and Sustainable Environment Palacky University Olomouc Department of geoinformatics."— Presentation transcript:

1 STRA.S.S.E STRA.S.S.E. STRAtegic Spatial Planning and Sustainable Environment Palacky University Olomouc Department of geoinformatics

2 Mikroregion Hranicko





7 23 municipalities –Hranice vs. others 32 000 inhabitants –Hranice – 2/3 of total –slightly negative growth area 262 km 2 inter-regional location transport node natural diversity economic diversity –potentical higher than usage restructuralisation

8 Goals What to introduce or estabblishWhat to introduce or estabblish What to supportWhat to support What to sustainWhat to sustain What to reduceWhat to reduce What to terminateWhat to terminate What to eliminate and do not allow to createWhat to eliminate and do not allow to create WhereWhere WhenWhen HowHow

9 Contacts

10 GIS Who and how will work within GIS –each partner itself –Czech partner will show, manage and supervise –we need contact to GIS leader of each partner –do we work with map servers?

11 Data Scale 1:25 000????? Basic geodata (first-order data) –area boundary –rivers (+ dams, lakes) –municipalities (cadastre and built up areas) –roads and railways –hypsometry (contour lines and height spots) –Woods Application data (by indicators) (second-order data)

12 Spatial framework similar areas??? –Friuli: 89 municipalities, 4 543 km 2 –Western Greece: 72 municipalities, 11 000 km 2 –Hranicko: 23 municipalities, 262 km 2 –Corciano: 1 municipality, 64 km 2 What is scale level range? –Indivisible geoelement? human, address point, building, block of biulding, city quarter, municipality

13 Temporal framework past - present - future 1995/20002005/0720092013

14 Application framework Set of applications (participatory processes – given questions) –How many? –Some are common (? 50 %) –Some are individual (? 50 %)

15 Output framework book/atlas manual/methodology/recommendation What to introduce or estabblishWhat to introduce or estabblish What to supportWhat to support What to sustainWhat to sustain What to reduceWhat to reduce What to terminateWhat to terminate What to eliminate and do not allow to createWhat to eliminate and do not allow to create WhereWhere WhenWhen HowHow

16 DATAFLOW & GIS Collecting basic geodata (for/within GIS) Defining (economic) indicators Generating data model (indicators as data layers) Collecting application geodata (for/within GIS) Defining spatial analysis Generating spatial models (within GIS) Processing modelling Interpretating results Presenting results (within GIS by maps/atlases)

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