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Substance Abuse/ Alcoholism Courtney Smith & Santiago Ruiz.

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Presentation on theme: "Substance Abuse/ Alcoholism Courtney Smith & Santiago Ruiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Substance Abuse/ Alcoholism Courtney Smith & Santiago Ruiz

2 Definition of both substance abuse and alcoholism  Substance abuse – Not being able to adjust a pattern of use of a substance that is not considered a dependent.  Alcohol abuse –Is a disease that is characterized by the sufferer having a pattern of drinking excessively despite the negative individuals work medical legal educational and or social life.

3 The history  First found by accident  When a bunch of grapes or basket of plums were left standing in a warm place, allowing the fruits sugars to ferment into alcohol.  People were using it in 8000 B.C.

4 Causes Low self esteem. Depression Anxiety Genetics There is not one single cause.

5 Symptoms Signs if alcohol intoxication includes the smell of alcohol on the breath or skin Glazed or blood shot eyes The person being unusually passive Argumentative

6 Diagnosed If you rely on alcohol to function or feel physically compelled to drink you’re an alcoholic. If you think you an alcoholic you can answer a few questions. Honestly if you want to truly know They don’t ask how much the ask about problems associated with drinking

7 Cures and or treatments For people who have stopped drinking have cravings for alcohol It work by affecting the neural pathways in the brain Alcoholics anonymous if you want to get help There is no medical cure available First step is wanting to get help. Second with drawls include confusion, hallucinations, and death

8 Functional or Organic? This disorder is a fictional disorder because it has involvement in heredity.

9 Work Cited sm/article.htm sm/article.htm gns_effects_treatment.htm gns_effects_treatment.htm

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