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To Everybody. Class-Five Subject : English Time:45 minutes.

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1 To Everybody

2 Class-Five Subject : English Time:45 minutes


4 Learning outcomes 1.Students will be able to read the text with correct pronunciation. 2.Student will be able to reply the simple questions. 3. Students will be able to say about the land area, population, capital, crops, fruits, rivers.





9 Title: My country Sub-Title : The name of our country------------ ----------Karnaphuly.

10 I will read the text with correct pronunciation. INPUT

11 Crops RiceJute Tea Sugar-cane

12 Fruits Bananas Water-melons Mangoes Jack-fruits

13 The PadmaThe Meghna The Jamuna Rivers Karnaphuly

14 Indivisual Works Students will read individually

15 New Words Independent, Capital, Population, Agricultural, Common, Mainly, Crops, Large.

16 Practice 1.Write true or false. If false give the correct answer. a) Bangladesh is a big country. b) There are many rivers in Bangladesh. c)Bangladesh has a small population. d)It became free in 1971. e)The Padma is one of the main rivers of Bangladesh.

17 a.False.C.Ans:Bangladesh is small country. b.True. c.False.C.Ans:Bangladesh has large population. d.True. e.True.

18 Group works Group-1 : Write down the name of main crops. Group-2 : Write down the name of main fruits. Group-3 : Write down the name of big rivers.

19 2. Fill in the blanks. a)Bangladesh has a land area of ______square k.m. b) Bangladesh is mainly an _______ country. C)About………. million people live in Bangladesh.

20 3. Answer the following questions a.When did Bangladesh become independent ? b.What is the land area of Bangladesh ? c.What are the main crops of Bangladesh?

21 a.Ans:Bangladesh became independent in 1971. b.Ans:Its land area is 1,47,570 Square kilometres. c.Ans:Its main crops are rice, jute, sugar-cane and tea?

22 Task: You will write six sentences as a paragraph about My country.

23 MD RABIUL HASAN ASSISTANT TEACHER Banskhali Girls’ Model Govt. Primary School.

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