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You are entering now a magic world...... Nidokidos.

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Presentation on theme: "You are entering now a magic world...... Nidokidos."— Presentation transcript:

1 You are entering now a magic world...... Nidokidos

2 in one single moment.... Nidokidos

3 ….you will be a witness of something very special! Nidokidos

4 you are witness of.... Nidokidos

5 an incredible illusion. Nidokidos

6 the illusion of my sharp eyes Nidokidos

7 This is a normal program, but you will see that … Nidokidos

8 ....I can read your mind through this screen! Nidokidos

9 Here below you will see 6 different playing cards. Take one card in your mind. Only ONE card. Do not touch the card and DON’T click with your mouse. Now I am able to read the card in your mind. Nidokidos

10 Take a strong look into my cat eyes and concentrate yourself into the card you have chosen. Nidokidos

11 I cannot see which card you have chosen, but I do know exactly which card you have in mind! Nidokidos

12 Watch it! Your card has gone now!!! Nidokidos

13 Surprised ? Nidokidos

14 See You ! See You ! Nidokidos

15 Send this message to others to surprise them. Nidokidos

16 With many greetings from me, the magic cat. Nidokidos

17 This Slide Show is sent to you by Nidokidos Group To Receive more Slides Shows Join us at www.GetNidoKidoS.Comwww.GetNidoKidoS.Com Join Our Disscussion Forum at www.NidoKidoS.Orgwww.NidoKidoS.Org

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