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Bjorn LomborgBjorn Lomborg: Global priorities bigger than climate change Jaanika Rookmann.

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Presentation on theme: "Bjorn LomborgBjorn Lomborg: Global priorities bigger than climate change Jaanika Rookmann."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bjorn LomborgBjorn Lomborg: Global priorities bigger than climate change Jaanika Rookmann

2 Why did I choose this topic?  I was made to.  It was in English.  It was on the right website – the TED page.  It was business-related.  It seemed interesting because I care about the environment and I have a shopping bag that I always use.  I liked the title – I wanted to know what the biggest global problems are said to be.

3 Main points of the talk – the biggest problems in the World  climate change,  communicable diseases,  conflicts,  education,  financial instability,  governance and corruption,  malnutrition and hunger,  population migration,  sanitation and water,  subsidies and trade barriers. It’s said that the biggest problems in the World are

4 Main points of the talk  There are limited sources in the World to solve the global problems, so we should focus on the ones that have the biggest impact for the least amount spent.  The problem about dealing with climate change is that it’s too expensive, but does so little for the future, we might win just a few years time.  The very best project to focus on would be HIV/AIDS – especially because it would be wise to focus on the prevention, which is also going to cost less than treatment.  By avoiding people getting infected we would significantly increase their ability to deal with many of the other problems that they have to deal with - of course, in the long run, also to deal with global warming.


6 Conclusion  I agree that there are many important problems that need a solution and it’s really hard to choose which ones to focus on first.  It would be good to solve all the problems, but I understand that there’s not enough money to do all at once.  At first I strongly disagreed with the presenter because I find the climate change to be an important thing and I myself do my best not to pollute the Mother Earth.  But I liked how he explained that the climate change is not that tangible, while for the other issues the solution is cheaper and can be seen sooner.  Of course I recommend the video to the others, the topic is interesting and made me think what’s the most important.

7 Thanks for watching!

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