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Michelle Lubrano High School Health Class - A state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

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2 Michelle Lubrano High School Health Class

3 - A state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. -shape a health lifestyle and making decisions that lead to high levels of well being andlife satisfaction Health Wellness

4  Exercise regularly  Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, high fiber foods And whole grain  Limit fat and sodium  Stop illegal drug use  Terminate smoking  Avoid sun exposure  Fasten seatbelt  7-8 hours of sleep regularly  Eat breakfast everyday!

5  Spiritual  Social  Emotional  Intellectual  Physical  Occupational  Environmental More Info of 7 Dimensions!

6  Spiritual-belief in force that unites humans  Social-interact successfully with people  Emotional- control stress and express emotions

7  Intellectual- learn and use information effectively  Physical- carry out daily tasks, CV & muscular fitness, adequate nutrition and body comp  Occupational- balance between work and leisure  Environmental-promote health to improve standard of living

8 Health Related Components of Fitness Skill Related Components of Fitness

9  Cardiovascular  Muscle strength  Muscle endurance  Flexibility  Body Composition Important Components!

10  Speed  Power  Agility  Reaction time  Coordination  Balance

11 Influenced by:  Bone structure of joint  Tissue around joint  Elasticity of muscles, tendons, & ligaments that cross over joint

12  Reduce stress and tension  Improve posture, fitness, and symmetry  Relief of muscle cramps  Prevention of injury Flexibility Benefits!

13  Dynamic - stretching while moving  Static -slow moves in positions held for 10-15 seconds

14 1. Heart disease 2. Cancer 3. Stroke 4. Chronic lung disease 5. Accidents

15  Cigarette Smoking  High Blood Pressure  High Cholesterol  Atherosclerosis  Diabetes (only type II, lifestyle choice)  Overweight  Stress  Physical Activity Control Risk Factors!

16  Age  Gender  Family History  Diabetes (Type I)

17  8-10 oz  Size of your fist  Aorta- largest artery in body  60-80 beats per min at rest  Provides circulation -provide constant blood and nutrients to cell and remove wastes

18  Aerobic -continuous exercise, using oxygen Anaerobic -short duration, high intensity exercise, no oxygen

19  Frequency - minimum 3 times per week  Intensity -target heart rate 65-85% max HR  Duration -minimum 25 minutes of cardiovascular

20  Extreme heat -Heat exhaustion Extreme cold -hypothermia Be Smart!

21  1lb = 3,500 calories Set Point Diet Intake 2,500 calories per day Subtract 500 calories per day in diet= 2,000 cal 500 cal per day times 7 days in a week =3,500 cal subtracted per week Lose 1lb per Week!

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