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Aim: How did environmental conditions shape life in India ? Do Now: Document 6 – Answer in notebooks 1) How does the author compare India to Mesopotamia.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How did environmental conditions shape life in India ? Do Now: Document 6 – Answer in notebooks 1) How does the author compare India to Mesopotamia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How did environmental conditions shape life in India ? Do Now: Document 6 – Answer in notebooks 1) How does the author compare India to Mesopotamia and Egypt? 2) How does the document provide evidence of the high level of development of the Indus Valley people?

2 Geography The Indian subcontinent includes India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. A the highest mountains in the world, Hindu Kush, Karakorum and Himalayan ranges separate this region from the rest of India.

3 Physical Geography The Indian subcontinent extends south from central Asia into the Indian Ocean

4 Physical Map of India Himalaya Mts. Largest Mountain: Mt. Everest Great Indian Desert Ganges River Indus River

5 Himalaya Mountains

6 Mt. Everest The highest mountain on Earth. 29,029 feet above sea level. Part of the Himalaya Mt. chain.

7 Why would you want to climb Mt. Everest? Because it was there!! 1953: Edmond Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were the first men to climb to the top of Mt. Everest.

8 Regions Two great rivers - the Ganges and Indus – rise in the mountains and drain Indo-Gangetic Plain

9 Regions South of the I-G Plain is the Deccan Plateau, bordered by the Eastern and Western Ghats

10 Regions Narrow coastal plains lie along the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal

11 Regions The peoples of these coastal plains became sea traders

12 Monsoons Seasonal winds that dominate India’s climate. From October to February, they blow dry air. From June to October the winds shift and bring lots and lots of rain.

13 Monsoons Monsoons - seasonal winds that blow from the NE Nov. to Mar. and from the SW June to Oct.

14 Monsoons The NE (dry) monsoon drops moisture on the Himalayas before reaching India

15 Monsoons The SW (wet) monsoon carries warm, moist air from the Indian Ocean and brings heavy rains

16 Monsoons The wet monsoon brings most of the year’s rainfall and is important for agriculture 20cm = 7.9in 100cm = 39.4in 400cm = 13.2ft 800cm = 26.3ft 1000cm = 32.8ft

17 Monsoons If the wet monsoon arrives late or brings little rain, crops fail; too much rain, flooding destroys the countryside

18 Effects of the Monsoon Rains

19 Temperature Temperatures can reach 120ºF in the Indo- Gangetic Plain Aurangabad, India 15 C = 59 F 30 C = 86 F 45 C = 113 F

20 Question What made the Indus Valley a good place for a civilization?

21 Geography of India I.India 1.Located in the _________________ of Asia. 2.__________________ : body of land surrounded by three sides of water. II.Landforms 1.Himalaya & Hindu Kush Mountains. 2.Deccan Plateau A.__________ : an high flat piece of land. III.Bodies of Water 1.Rivers: Indus & Ganges 2.Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal. IV.Climate 1.____________ : seasonal winds. A.Causes ____________ of rain during the summer. B.Makes the soil ___________ or good for growing crops. C.May cause _________ which destroys farms & villages. continent peninsula plateau Monsoons downpour fertile floods

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