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C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 1 Aren´t there any technological future for transformers? C. Sumereder Graz University of Technology Dep.

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Presentation on theme: "C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 1 Aren´t there any technological future for transformers? C. Sumereder Graz University of Technology Dep."— Presentation transcript:

1 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 1 Aren´t there any technological future for transformers? C. Sumereder Graz University of Technology Dep. High Voltage Engineering

2 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 2 Current and Future Technologies Substitution of cellulose: NOMEX Substitution of mineral oil with: –Synthetic Liquids: Esther, Silicone –Biological Liquids: Rape Seed Oil Solid/gas insulated transformer Cable Transformer Production: VPI, VPE Superconducting transformers

3 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 3 Substitute of Paper Cellulose free Transformerboard from Aramidfaser „NOMEX“

4 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 4 Nomex Higher temperature durability, low thermal degradation Low contraction at drying Geometrical constance Good partial discharge behaviour Almost not flammable

5 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 5 Nomex Application for very high electrical anc thermical loads and low volumina: e.g. traction transformers Maximum utilisation of machines Good overload behaviur without reduction of life time Disadvantage: expensive, for this reason application in exposed parts of the insulating system

6 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 6 Insulating Liquids Minimum request: Mineral oil Same electrical and thermic toughness more environmetally friendly Higher fire resistance Better efficiency

7 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 7 Insulating Liquids Synthetic Ester Silicone Oil Biologic Vegetable Oil – Rape Seed Oil

8 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 8 Comparison of oil

9 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 9 Ester High combustion point low toxicity Good environmentally friendly Good thermodynamic properties Good dielectric properties Good partial discharge behaviour Mixable with mineral oil Ground water protected areas

10 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 10 Mixed Base Liquor

11 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 11 Rape Seed Oil Good dielectric properties Excellent environmentally friendly Ground water protected areas Disadvantage: long time behaviour, drying and hermetic enclosure necessary

12 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 12 Environmental Impact

13 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 13 Dry Transformer 50 kVA bis 20 000 kVA 1 kV bis 36 kV Indoor Overload operation with fans Oilfree tap changer High fire resistance Environment friendly Recycelable

14 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 14 Construction

15 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 15 Cast Resin Winding

16 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 16 Fire Resistance DIN VDE 0532 Teil 6 (HD 464)

17 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 17 Use of an VPE-cable instead of a conventionell winding system Machines Powerformer: –20-100 MW –30-150 kV Advantage: windings can be build up to 400 kV Disadvantage: no long time experience Cable Winding Transformers Dryformer: – 20-150 MVA – bis 150 kV

18 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 18 Distribution Electrical Field < 3kV/mm > 9kV/mm

19 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 19 Dryformer For power transformer no mineral oil is neccessary

20 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 20 Production Technology VPI (Vakuum Pressure Impregnation) From generator production Impregnation of the finished winding system with cast resin in a vacuum vessel Pore free absorption of cast resin Good impregnation

21 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 21 Production Technology VPE (Vakuum Pressure Encapsulated) Impregnation of the finished winding system with silicone in a vacuum vessel hydrophobe surface Soil proofing Applicatioin for ship transformers

22 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 22 Superconducting Transformer

23 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 23 Superconducting Transformer Warm or cold core OIL  LN 2 Copper  HTS

24 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 24 HTS Power Transformers With conventional technology up to 98 % efficiency  HTS not economic Oil free power transformer Combination with current limiting function Reduction of short circiut currents

25 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 25 Advantages of HTS-Traction Transformers Very low losses Low weight Small dimentions Reduction of energyconsumption Lower CO 2 -emission Environmentally friendly

26 C. Sumereder Austria Barcelona 12-15 May 2003 26 HTS Traction Transformer KupferHTS-DesignHTS/Cu Regionalzug 1 100 MVA Gesamtverluste92 kW7,8 kW9 % Gesamtgewicht4 800 kg2 200 kg46 % Volumen Aktivteil690 dm³360 dm³51 % Hochgeschwindigkeitszug (ICE) 4 600 MVA Gesamtverl. 16 2/3 Hz360 kW19 kW5 % Gesamtverluste 50 Hz290 kW18 kW6 % Gesamtgewicht9 300 kg5 400 kg58 % Volumen Aktivteil1 600 dm³1 300 dm³81 % Güterzug 7 500 MVA Gesamtverluste5492 kW26 kW5 % Gesamtgewicht14 500 kg8 700 kg60 % Volumen Aktivteil2 650 dm³2 330 dm³88 %

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