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Ways to Engage Members Common Cause International a project of the Common Cause Education Fund Lauren Coletta.

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Presentation on theme: "Ways to Engage Members Common Cause International a project of the Common Cause Education Fund Lauren Coletta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ways to Engage Members Common Cause International a project of the Common Cause Education Fund Lauren Coletta

2 Local Engagement (old fashioned, low tech) Local Engagement (old fashioned, low tech) Interview Phase –Why?  Identify Issues  Identify Leaders Slovak Example

3 Art of Interviewing  Agitation (Rock in the River)  Power of story telling  Listening for leadership

4 Analysis of Issues Raised  Is it winnable in a reasonable amount of time? Is the group capable.  Will it make real tangible improvements?  Will it begin to change the relationship of power?  Does it set the stage for larger organizational growth?

5 Leadership Development Team  Organizer, after listening, lays out potential strategy to leaders.  Leaders discuss make appropriate changes.  Roles are assigned to involve the larger community in the campaign. (Commander Curtin example) (Commander Curtin example)

6 How to grow local efforts into larger efforts  Look for issues that are widely shared.  Build coalition and consensus with like minded groups  Create combined strategy (Anti-loitering law example)

7 Larger Scale Engagement (state level)  Engage coalition partners but….  Go directly to your audiences and invite people to participate.  Identify leaders who have followers  Look for unusual partners to be your allies

8 Create a Mechanism for Communication  Phone tree  Mailing list  Email List  Text message List  Central Website  Neighbor to Neighbor Tree/Organizer outreach

9 Benefits of Belonging  People join things that matter to them  People spend time with organizations when they think it will improve their lives  People spend time with organizations when they think they matter to them  People want to have influence, give it to them  People like to be around people that think like them

10 Large Scale, National  Outreach Methods –Local organizers, chapter models –Internet –Mail –Phone –Speaker tours –Social Events Example: Tell Us The Truth Tour

11 How to Keep People Active  Show them the are making a difference  Acknowledge their hard work  Give them ample opportunities and the necessary tools to participate –(example of a lobby visit kit) –Give them real leadership opportunities (Democratic Party and Obama example)

12 Examples of Activities  Leadership on local issues, involvement in state and federal issues  Lobby Days  In district meetings  Letters to the Editor/Commentary  Leading a Local Chapter  Local radio or TV show, newsletter  Emailing, calling, writing their member  Marches, marathons, fund raisers, fun

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