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Section 3: African Americans in the Colonies

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1 Section 3: African Americans in the Colonies
Chapter 3 Section 3: African Americans in the Colonies

2 The Middle Passage One leg of the triangular trade
Forced transport of slaves from Africa to the Americas 10-40% died in the crossing Endured chains, heat, disease, smells, & cramped quarters Some mutiny Crews were heavily armed

3 Slavery in the Colonies
South Carolina & Georgia Brutal conditions High temperatures & diseases Majority in SC & 1/3 of the population in GA

4 Slaves were able to maintain their cultural traditions
Made baskets & pottery, played music & told stories Africans had superior knowledge of cattle herding & fishing & rice cultivation

5 Virginia & Maryland Minorities Few came from Africa
Performed different work More contact with Europeans (blended customs) Encourage slaves to raise families Expensive to get slaves in

6 New England & the Middle Colonies
By late 1700’s only 50,000 More diverse economies Slaves worked in cities as cooks, housekeepers, or personal servants Male slaves worked in manufacturing & trading or as skilled artisans, or as lumberjacks, dock workers, merchant sailors, fishermen, whalers, & privateers

7 Free Blacks Grew after the American Revolution
Slave laws discouraged freedom Probably worse off economically Poorer living conditions & severe discrimination Couldn’t vote, testify in court against whites, or marry whites

8 Laws & Revolts Varied from colony to colony
Slaves couldn’t go on ships or ferries or leave the town without a written pass Could be accused of crimes Punishment including whipping, banishment to the West Indies & death

9 Stono Rebellion 1739- dozens of slaves near Charleston killed more than 20 whites Killed on their way to Florida Opposed slavery through indirect resistance Pretending to misunderstand orders or faking illness

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