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Country presentation Netherlands First Eionet NRC Soil- Adhoc WG Meeting Netherlands| 20150310.

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Presentation on theme: "Country presentation Netherlands First Eionet NRC Soil- Adhoc WG Meeting Netherlands| 20150310."— Presentation transcript:

1 Country presentation Netherlands First Eionet NRC Soil- Adhoc WG Meeting Netherlands| 20150310

2 Contents 1.Who am I 2.Current developments in the Netherlands policy on contaminated land 3.Preparation of the Integrated environmental law –the soil part 4.Importance of pollution 5.Comments on indicator discussion paper Netherlands| 20150310

3 Kees Versluijs ●RIVM National Institute Public Health and Environment. ●Research Institute, supports ministries for Health and Environment. ●My current main projects: –Monitoring progress in the remediation of soil contamination, annual reports to parliament 2000 - 2015 –Developing indicators to monitor the results of the proposed new policy on soil –Green house gasses from land use, land use changes and forestry Netherlands| 20150310 3

4 Current developments in the Netherlands contaminated land policy(1) ●Goal 1: Decentralisation of site management: from responsibility of the central government to local responsibilities. ●Goal 2: No delay for sites with acute risks (human, dispersion with groundwater, ecological). ●Preparation2005-2009: Inventory of sites, criteria for acute risks. ●Soil covenant 2009-2015: Selection, investigations and decisions on all sites with suspected acute risks from soil contamination. Take away acute human risks (not necessarily take away all contaminants). ●Soil covenant 2016-2020 (in preparation): Proceed with remaining sites with acute risks. Manage groundwater-contaminating sources with acute dispersion risks. Organisation of quality management of groundwater (plumes) on a regional basis. Netherlands| 20150310 4

5 Preparation of the Integrated environmental law (planned for 2018) - the soil part ●Goal A: Spatial planning for area development is leading, also for the subsurface and applied to create land use of higher values. ●The spatial planning involves integral assessments regarding e.g. the soil- sediment-water system, safety of food and drinking water, water management, infrastructure, social quality improvement and environmental impact assessment. ●The spatial planning aims to connect national, regional and local interests and involves local authorities and stakeholders. ●Made possible because sites with acute risk are largely managed. All remaining sites for which formal decisions were made will be finished according transition rules. ●The management of all other contaminated sites (with potential risks) will be taken up (less enforced) in line with area development. Netherlands| 20150310 5

6 Preparation of the Integrated environmental law (planned for 2018) - the soil part ●Goal B: Financial backup for soil remediation from the government and local authorities will be withdrawn. ●The polluter pays where possible for sites with acute risks as well as for sites taken up following spatial planning. The latter involves neccessary measures on immobile pollution and sources of mobile pollution. ●When costs cannot be drawn from a polluter the costs are for the stakeholders of the projected area development plan. ●The government or local authorities take responsibility for the remaining measures on groundwater quality (i.e. plumes of sites without acute risks). Netherlands| 20150310 6

7 Preparation of the Integrated environmental law (planned for 2018) - the soil part ●Goal 1: Decentralisation: from responsibility of the central government to local responsibilities. ●Goal 2: No delay for sites with acute risks (human, dispersion with groundwater, ecological). ●Goal A: Spatial planning for area development is leading, also for the subsurface and applied to create land use of higher values. ●Goal B: Financial backup for soil remediation from the government and local authorities will be withdrawn. ●Upholding goal 2: when a new site with acute risks is discovered or evolved after 2018 the government will take the lead for minimal actions to take away the acute risks. Owners will have an obligation to cooperate. Neccessary follow up according the other rules of the Integrated environmental law. Netherlands| 20150310 7

8 Intermezzo: Is soil pollution a minor theme? Netherlands| 20150310 8 From: Report 2014 of Blacksmith Institute, Green Cross and GAHP Global Alliance on Health and Pollution

9 Netherlands| 20150310 9 Air Pollution gives deposition on land. Soil pollution causes water pollution. Detoriation of land gives dust in windy times and polluted stormwater in rainy times.

10 Netherlands| 20150310 10 What to do ? (and what to monitor) Set priorities for prevention, investigation, site management. On the basis of health and economy. To secure future developments and to protect natural resources. Identify pollutants and sites Develop and implement Jurisdiction, Financial management Spatial planning Sufficient investigation methods Optimal technical solutions

11 Comments on the discussion paper on the indicator ●Ad Key observation 2 about Types of sites –PCS: classes: reported contamination; current or past activity often leading to contamination; sensitive receptor –CS: site posing risks on its own vs one of a group of less contaminated sites have together adverse impact on a receptor –RS: completely remediated and contaminants eliminated or just risks eliminated by blocking exposure routes removed – –Missing: sites with active aftercare Netherlands| 20150310 11

12 Comments on the discussion paper on the indicator ●Ad Key observation 5 about “Contaminated” –NL discriminates light contaminated vs seriously contaminated sites as defined by listed Intervention Values for contaminants, –but evolved to land use specific “Intervention values” –and priority for acute risks, accounting for ›surface area of seriously contaminated land, ›volume of seriously contaminated groundwater, ›the exposure risks (web based model calculation). –Additional problem: New or rare contaminants not provided for in the standards lists, i.e. human and livestock medicines, hormonelike substances, nanomaterials, plastic micro-particles, new persistent substances Netherlands| 20150310 12

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