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Some Basics of Visual Design. Basics of Visual Design Portrait or Landscape? Opinions differ on the use of either format… Portrait looks more like a printed.

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Presentation on theme: "Some Basics of Visual Design. Basics of Visual Design Portrait or Landscape? Opinions differ on the use of either format… Portrait looks more like a printed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some Basics of Visual Design

2 Basics of Visual Design Portrait or Landscape? Opinions differ on the use of either format… Portrait looks more like a printed page… Landscape looks more like television and the movies

3 Basics of Visual Design Research shows... that most people first look at the upper-left corner and divide a page into 3 x thirds Start here

4 Basics of Visual Design Research shows... that most people focus attention at the intersection of these thirds 41%20% 25%14% Start here Even despite cultural reading differences

5 Basics of Visual Design So... you should place your important information in this zone 41%20% 25%14% Start here

6 Basics of Visual Design Some Patterns... also seem more comfortable for the eye to follow:

7 Basics of Visual Design Some Patterns... also seem more comfortable for the eye to follow: My apologies to my Hindu friends

8 Basics of Visual Design Some Patterns... also seem more comfortable for the eye to follow: My apologies to my Hindu friends

9 Basics of Visual Design People like Balance... you can use FORMAL BALANCE which uses SYMETRY

10 Basics of Visual Design People like Balance... you can use INFORMAL BALANCE which uses a PATTERN

11 Basics of Visual Design If you use... IMBALANCE …then use it for effect! The communities are of different sizes

12 Basics of Visual Design How Big?… here is an easy test. Use the... formula! 6 W

13 Basics of Visual Design 6 W 1 foot of screen Width = 6 feet of viewing distance i.e :measure the width of your projected image in inches…divide by two…and then move that many feet away from the screen…people should still be able to clearly see the image.

14 Basics of Visual Design Visual Literacy: is the learned ability to INTERPRET and CREATE visual messages

15 Basics of Visual Design Young Children... learn very quickly to identify basic visual images and give them meaning 

16 Basics of Visual Design Realism…. may not always provide more information

17 Basics of Visual Design Degrees of Realism- studies have shown that visual images can be less useful if they are very abstract or very realistic Amount of Learning Low High Unrealistic Moderate Realistic Degree of Realism

18 Basics of Visual Design Images can mean different things due to: Culture Age Education Experience

19 Basics of Visual Design But.. some images have become commonly understood

20 Basics of Visual Design Adding Visual Images Images can be used to: provide extra information represent an idea or concept show an action or process reinforce a point add humour surprise!

21 Basics of Visual Design Adding Visual Images Images can used to: provide extra information Project Costs for May Projects costs for May have risen by over 30% - compared with February figures. The major areas of increase were staff and materials costs

22 Basics of Visual Design Adding Visual Images Images can used to: represent an idea or concept Time Management is about juggling all your priorities

23 Basics of Visual Design Adding Visual Images Images can used to: show an action or process Safe Lifting Step1 Step 2 Step 3

24 Basics of Visual Design Adding Visual Images Images can used to: reinforce a point Quality Remember…like a great chef... selecting high quality inputs and using high quality processes to combine them, will produce the best results

25 Basics of Visual Design Adding Visual Images Images can used to: add humour Remember…don’t leave your Budget Reports until the last moment!

26 Basics of Visual Design Adding Visual Images Images can used to: surprise! Not all of your students may conform to your idea of “correct” dress or behaviour. Student Diversity

27 Basics of Visual Design Visual Images can also: show complicated assembly processes

28 Basics of Visual Design Visual Images can also: show important detail

29 Basics of Visual Design Visual Images can also: show a real-life situation

30 Basics of Visual Design Exercise: in your group, design one poster that explains who is in your group and where they come from. Use both words and images. show a real-life situation

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