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Patrick Janot News and Organization  Major events since last coordination meeting (30 April 2014) u 7 th FCC-ee (TLEP) Physics Workshop (19-21 June 2014)

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Presentation on theme: "Patrick Janot News and Organization  Major events since last coordination meeting (30 April 2014) u 7 th FCC-ee (TLEP) Physics Workshop (19-21 June 2014)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Patrick Janot News and Organization  Major events since last coordination meeting (30 April 2014) u 7 th FCC-ee (TLEP) Physics Workshop (19-21 June 2014) u Summer conferences u First International Collaboration Board meeting (9-10 September 2014) l 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 1

2 Patrick Janot International Collaboration Board Meeting  From CERN Director-General 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 2

3 Patrick Janot 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 3

4 Patrick Janot 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 4

5 Patrick Janot 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 5

6 Patrick Janot 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 6

7 Patrick Janot Study Time Line 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 7 20142015201620172018 Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Explore options “weak interaction” Report Study plan, scope definition Workshop & Review  contents of CDR Release CDR Workshop & Review: identification of baseline conceptual study of baseline “strong interact.” Workshop & Review, cost model, LHC results  study re-scoping? Elaboration, consolidation Explore options, now – spring 2015: -Investigate different options in all technical areas, taking a broad view -Deliverables: description/comparison of options with relative merits/cost, understand relative impact of options on overall study/project -FCC workshop to converge to common baseline with small number of options -1 st Yearly FCC Workshop 23 – 27 March 2015, Washington DC -Followed by review ~2 months later, begin June 2015

8 Patrick Janot Proposed contributions to FCC-ee  Starting with Physics and Experiments 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 8

9 Patrick Janot CEA Saclay (France) 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 9

10 Patrick Janot UNIGE, Geneva (Switzerland) 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 10

11 Patrick Janot UNIGE, Geneva (Switzerland) 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 11

12 Patrick Janot Vinca Institute, Belgrade (Serbia) 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 12

13 Patrick Janot University of Belgrade (Serbia) 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 13

14 Patrick Janot IFJ PAN, Krakow (Poland) 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 14

15 Patrick Janot Silesia University, Katowice (Poland)  Experimental support  Theory 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 15 (Heavy Ion group)

16 Patrick Janot King College, London (UK) 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 16

17 Patrick Janot Proposed contributions to FCC-ee  And also, on the machine side u CEA Saclay (France) : Superconducting RF u IN2P3 Grenoble (France) : Superconducting RF  ALBA Valencia (Spain) : RF systems, vacuum systems, e  beam diagnostics u KEK Tsukuba (Japan) : Injector complex, superconducting RF, vacuum design, beam beam effects simulation (beamstrahlung, etc.) u STFC Daresbury (UK) : Superconducting RF with thin films u INFN Padua/Legnaro : Superconducting RF with thin films u US (FNAL/SLAC/JLAB/LBNL) : Superconducting RF efficiency improvements l IN2P3, INFN : contributions to physics and experiments expected ? 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 17

18 Patrick Janot Priorities for March 2015 (1)  Overall setup to perform the design study ready by March 2015 u Detector studies l Review characteristics of existing detectors / projects l Implementation in a parameterized simulation (e.g., DELPHES) l Evaluation of the physics performance è physics objects, benchmark analyses u Software developments l Have a working/documented framework and trained users è Generators, event data model, parameterized simulation, analysis framework, analysis tools l Enable specific detector studies with full simulation è Geometry, GEANT4 u Experimental environment l Beamstrahlung simulation (lumi spectrum, backgrounds) l Luminosity measurement (crossing angle) l Integration in the crab-waist scheme (L*, magnetic field shielding) 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 18 Colin Bernet, Benedikt Hegner New conveners of the FCC software

19 Patrick Janot Crab-waist scheme (1)  Expected luminosity 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 19 Up to 10 13 Z / year !

20 Patrick Janot Crab-waist scheme (2)  A challenging integration ! u Desired: B = 0 along z axis (not compulsory) u Needed: Quadrupoles shielded from solenoid magnetic field u L* = 2m 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 20 A. Bogomyagkov, TLEP7 workshop, June ‘14

21 Patrick Janot Priorities for March 2015 (2)  Work can start on all these topics u Well-defined projects (work-packages) to be prepared l For distribution to the interested institutes è Discussion with new institutes to be engaged u Obviously, projects should include a “software-specific” fraction l No work will proceed without a software framework è Physics should serve as an incentive to develop part of the software u Working group meetings to be organized on a regular basis l Possibly before the coming FCC-ee physics workshop è 27-29 october in Paris, in preparation l The Monday afternoon slot can be used u Physics case to be completed (with respect to arXiV:1308.6176) 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 21

22 Patrick Janot Priorities for March 2015 (3)  Documentation (experiments and phenomenology) u Update regularly (y)our web site: l Work-packages, achievements, news, … should all go there u Technical documentation in (y)our twiki: l è Many pages mostly empty u Written report in March 2015 ? l Probably a short report will be written è Content depends on the achievements by then  Physics coordination meetings u Frequency to be increased l Once per month ? 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 22

23 Patrick Janot Workshop in Paris: Suggestions 12 Septembre 2014 FCC-ee Physics Coordination 23 0. define more precisely the goals to achieve as function of time until 2018. 1. invite ILD and SiD people to plenary and detector session -- Ties Behnke from DESY -- ILD folks in France (Brient, Colas, Winter, ORSAY(Zomer, Richard?) etc... -- SiD people from CERN (Linssen or Elsener, André Seiler, JJ Blaising etc) 2 Have a discussion on Machine and MDI on the first day. -- Jorg Wenninger proposes to come on first day. -- Environment in terms of SR photons etc... 3. Suggest a dedicated working group for invisible widths and neutrinos at FCC-ee convener Nicola Serra + ? 4. we should begin to discuss staging scenarios in particular for the RF power e.g. with 1 MW power we can already measure m Z &  Z to 100 keV, or the Higgs width significantly better than LHC then move to 10 and 100 MW.

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