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Peningkatan Produktiviti dalam Pendidikan Pengurusan Kualiti Secara Menyeluruh (TQM) ISO 9001:2000/08.

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Presentation on theme: "Peningkatan Produktiviti dalam Pendidikan Pengurusan Kualiti Secara Menyeluruh (TQM) ISO 9001:2000/08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peningkatan Produktiviti dalam Pendidikan Pengurusan Kualiti Secara Menyeluruh (TQM) ISO 9001:2000/08

2 What is Quality? It is about emotions and feelings It is something that we are proud of It is producing a product/service that brings smile to your customers It is about value added It is about delivering product/service to our customers faster, better, cheaper, and newer A product that is reliable It is about quality assurance It is about doing more with less Quality of design Quality of process

3 Definisi konsep Quality Ability of a set of inherent characteristics of a product, process or system to fulfill requirements of customers and other interested parties Quality assurance Part of the quality management focused on providing confidence that requirements will be fulfilled Ia juga merupakan cara untuk menghasilkan produk/perkhidmatan tanpa cacat (zero defect)

4 Kawalan kualiti Ia melibatkan pengesanan dan pembuangan hasil yang tidak mencapai standard yang telah ditetapkan. Ia lebih merupakan satu proses ‘after-the-event’ Ia juga melibatkan kos yang lebih tinggi Total Quality Management Building and evolving a stakeholder, focused management system and supporting culture that has its driving force, meeting customer needs the first time and every time

5 Major Groups of Quality Definitions Transcendent definitions Beyond measurement and logical description Related to beauty and love Product-based definitions Seen as a measurable variable User-based definitions As a means for customer satisfaction Manufacturing-based definitions Seen as conformance to requirements and specifications Valued-based definition Define quality in relation to costs Provide good value for costs

6 Konsep-konsep Berkaitan Kualiti Globalisasi Efficiency vs. Effectiveness Benchmark Indikator kualiti KPI (Key Performance Indicators) Audit kualiti (Dalaman dan luaran) Akreditasi Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti (SPK), Quality Management System (QMS)

7 Product or services? Schools are in the service industry and provide education services These services are intangible and the product is the educational outcomes The outcomes are manifested by behavioral changes in the student in the following domains: Cognitive Affective psychomotor

8 The school’s product may be defined as the ‘value-added’ student in terms of their behavioral changes

9 Quality leaders Edward Deming Karou Ishikawa Frederick Taylor Genichi Taguchi Joseph Juran Philip Crosby

10 Model Kualiti Total Quality Management (TQM) ISO9001:2008 Six Sigma Blue Ocean

11 Deming 14-points Create consistency of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with a plan to improve competitive position and stay in business Adopt a new philosophy. We can no longer live with commonly accepted levels of delay, mistakes, defective materials, and defective workmanship

12 Cease dependence on mass inspection Institute modern methods of training on the job Break down barriers among departments Institute training on the job Institute leadership Drive out fear Eliminate slogans Put everyone in the organization to work to accomplish the transformation

13 Ciri-ciri TQM Ciri-ciri TQM juga dapat dilihat dari empat dimensi Matlamat: Kepuasan hati pelanggan Output tanpa cacat/sentiasa tepat Fokus: Sistem dan proses budaya organisasi

14 Pelanggan Pembekal Strategi: Penambahbaikan yang berterusan Melibatkan seluruh organisasi Berorientasikan matlamat jangka panjang Pengawalan kos kualiti

15 Tindakan pencegahan Menekankan kepastian kualiti dan Pelaksana Pihak pengurusan Seluruh kakitangan Pasukan-pasukan kerja

16 Alat TQM Brainstorming Affinity network Fishbone/Ishikawa diagrams Force-field analysis Process charting Flowchart Pareto analysis

17 International Organizational for Standardization (ISO) ISO 9000 (Series)90 + countries ISO 9000 : 19941 ST Revision ISO 9001 : 20002 ND Revision ISO 9000 : 1994 Terdapat 20 elemen ISO 9001, 9002 dan ISO 9003

18 ISO 9001 Sesuai untuk dilaksanakan oleh agensi yang menjalankan aktiviti yang bermula dari merekabentuk produk/perkhidmatan hingga ke peringkat khidmat susulan (contoh seperti UOM)

19 ISO 9002 Sesuai dilaksanakan oleh agensi-agensi yang mengeluarkan produk/perkhidmatan mengikut spesifikasi umum dan keperluan seragam untuk semua pelanggannya

20 ISO 9003 Tidak melibatkan aktiviti merekabentuk, pengeluaran dan khidmat susulan. Ia hanya sesuai bagi organisasi yang terlibat dalam menjalankan pemeriksaan dan pengujian akhir sahaja

21 ISO 9001 : 2000/08 ISO 9000: Fundamentals and vocabulary ISO 9001: Requirements ISO 9004: Guidelines for performance improvements ISO 19011: Management system auditing

22 20 Elements Replaced by Eight Section structure Scope Normative reference Terms and definitions Quality management systems requirements Management responsibility Resource management Product realization Measurement analysis and improvement

23 Eight principles of Quality Management Customer-centered organization Leadership People’s engagement Process approach

24 System approach to management Continual improvement Data-based decision-making Mutually satisfying with suppliers

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