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Welcome to Foundation Stage Sarah Stratton Adam Shackleton Hazel Fisher Lorraine Last Roz Markham Josh Turner.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Foundation Stage Sarah Stratton Adam Shackleton Hazel Fisher Lorraine Last Roz Markham Josh Turner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Foundation Stage Sarah Stratton Adam Shackleton Hazel Fisher Lorraine Last Roz Markham Josh Turner

2 Good Morning and Good Afternoon Arrangements for Autumn Term: Entry: After the bell at 8.50 all children should come in through class doors and put away their own book bags, water bottles and coats. If your child has packed lunch, let them put their box on the trolley so they can find it again. During this term you are very welcome to come in with them too! On Friday we open the doors at 8.40 to allow everyone to get to church on time Going home: children will come out through the class door one at a time. Please stand away from the canopy as this allows us to see you more clearly. If your child is going home with someone else, please let us know that morning or telephone the office.

3 Feeling Poorly Please phone or email the office if your child is unwell or for advice about exclusion times. Please let the office know of any changes to contact details. Asthma inhalers may be brought into school. Please visit the office to complete consent forms.

4 Once a week take a peek!

5 Things to remember everyday Please, please, please name everything! Book Bag, including books and reading record, red partnership book Water Bottle (no squash or juice) Coat Things to leave at school Full PE kit Wellies

6 A Busy Day Registration Assembly (Tuesday-Friday) Teacher Time Activities Break and Snack Teacher Time Activities Lunchtime Teacher Time Golden Break Story and Home PE is on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons.

7 Helping your child at home Reading: Books will be coming home soon! It should be enjoyable. Ideally choose somewhere quiet and relaxed. We do understand that your children are very tired by the end of the day. It is better to read couple of times and enjoy it. We will send home words and letters (phoneme and graphemes) packs as appropriate for your child too. Please look in your child’s reading record for any tips or things to focus on as well as the Reading booklet.

8 Readin’, ‘riting and… We will change your child’s books each week and read with them at least once. We will not check book bags every day, so please pass us any important messages or reply slips in person that morning. Every day, your child will be part of class shared reading and we will teach reading skills. We also teach your child reading and writing skills everyday through literacy and phonics. Writing skills stem from lots of shared reading, talk and discussion, recall and memory games this term.

9 …rithmetic Every day your child will take part in hands on, practical maths activities including number work (mental maths, counting, ordering, writing numbers, calculation) and shape, space and measure work, (time, 2 and 3d shapes and comparing measurements).

10 Partnership Book In your child’s book bag will be a red book. If you wish, you may make any brief comments or notes you have noticed about your child’s learning outside school. Remember that informal times together allow your child to practice and try out what they are beginning understand.

11 Helping out We always need helpers Reading with individuals Working with small groups under the supervision of a teacher Laminating, cutting out, sticking, filing Helping out with special event days, walks around the village and educational visits. Look out for Helping Hands Saturdays. 19th October this term.

12 Staying in touch Check Home-School Reading records for information about your child’s reading and tips to help at home Check the school website Termly letters from the Foundation Team and monthly letters from the head teacher. If you would like to make a time to talk with us, please ask for a time after school, if at all possible. Parents evenings are scheduled for Tues/Weds 13 th and 14th November If we need to come and catch you at the end of the day, DON’T PANIC! We might be trying to tell you something good!!!

13 Looking to the future Autumn Term:Water Spring Term: Under and Over Summer Term: Each, Peach, Pear, Plum Have you got a talent or a skill to help us with these?

14 Thank you for listening.

15 At the end of your child’s first year with us we will assess their individual development against the appropriate age and stage. This is a continuous assessment throughout the year and where possible carries on from your child’s pre school records. Your input helps us get a full picture of your child’s learning and development. We will look at 17 different goals and your child’s learning style. Early Learning Goals








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