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1 Opportunities for Streamlining in NPDES Permits Permitting Tools, Tips and Incentives Session Presented by: Roosevelt Childress, EPA Region 4.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Opportunities for Streamlining in NPDES Permits Permitting Tools, Tips and Incentives Session Presented by: Roosevelt Childress, EPA Region 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Opportunities for Streamlining in NPDES Permits Permitting Tools, Tips and Incentives Session Presented by: Roosevelt Childress, EPA Region 4

2 2 Permitting for Environmental Results (PER) Multiyear initiative which began in 2003. Three major components: Integrity Profiles of Permitting Agencies Online at Efficiency Electronic tools (eNPDES, eNOI, eDMR, etc) Watershed-based permitting Results Priority permits

3 3 Permit Efficiency Tools eNPDES About to be piloted in Regions 1 and 2 Increases efficiency and accuracy Has tools for limit calculation, as well as eliminates double entry eNOI Available on EPA’s website for facilities under EPA’s MSGP and CGP. States are also implementing eNOI for their own systems. More info at: eDMR Being done on a state by state basis. 13 States have taken the lead as a workgroup on a national system. Currently not linked to EPA’s main database.

4 4 Priority Permits Environmentally significant permits are designated as priority by States, in conjunction with Regions. Any permit expired 2 or more years is eligible to become a priority permit. EPA has committed to issuing 95% of designated priority permits on schedule. In FY05, we issued 104.2% of the permits

5 5 Top reasons for designation Discharging to an impaired waterbody Revision of water quality standards General permit development Permit expired more than 10 years Discharging to a targeted watershed Significant changes to facility operation

6 6 Performance Track and Priority Permits EPA will grant States priority permit issuance credit for the issuance of a permit which is: For a Performance Track Facility AND Has requested expedited permitting AND Is facing competitive pressure

7 7 Performance Track and Priority Permits Performance Track members (in 38 States) hold 161 permits Of the 30 of these permits expiring in late 2005-2006, 18 requested expedited permitting 5 of these permits are under competitive pressure and are eligible for the priority permits credit

8 8 Performance Track and Priority Permits Water Permits Division and the Performance Track staff are working together to create a template of a cover letter for facilities to request expedited permitting. Richard Kashmanian of the Performance Track program is also contacting facilities with upcoming permit expirations.

9 9 For more information … On Priority Permits: Roosevelt Childress USEPA Region 4 Chief, Biosolids and NPDES permits Branch (404) 562-9279 or Pravin Rana USEPA Headquarters Water Permits Division (202) 564-5627 On Performance Track: Richard Kashmanian USEPA Headquarters Performance Track Program (202) 566-2875

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