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Presentation on theme: "REPORTING, ANALYSIS AND PLANNING SYSTEM RAPS Budgeting User Forum April 13, 2011."— Presentation transcript:


2 W ELCOME RAPS Budgeting User Forum Purpose: Enhance information sharing between RAPS team and Budgeting stakeholders. Format:  Meet quarterly the 3 rd week of January, April, July and October.  Discuss current topics and progress reports.  Inform the forum of upcoming events/schedules.  Ask for participation in focus groups, testing, feedback sessions. 2

3 A GENDA  Progress on Performance Improvements - Tim Redmond  Feedback Session Summaries  FY13 Budget Enhancements  Status of “sourcing only” appointments - Legail Chandler  Focus Groups  Wrap up 3

4 P ERFORMANCE I.Server environment issues (i.e., crashing, resources being consumed, users not able to connect) Progress to date :  Dedicated Cognos, RAPS & IS&T team in place to investigate issues.  Team has reviewed configuration/environment.  Other various settings optimized. Actions to validate:  Simulated high load scenario testing running 24 hours for a week.  Synchronized tests with several users/departments. 4

5 PERFORMANCE To Note:  Opening and saving of nodes may not change due to the process of moving data from the server to the client (pc).  The message ‘Definition has changed …’ will still appear as this is a notice that the updates from the Compensation Budgeting data have been received for the General Operating or Specific Purpose models. 5

6 P ERFORMANCE II.Web Client issues (slowness when pressing enter key) One Problem Identified: Income is entered as a positive number. The process to calculate Net Results is initiated each time enter key is pressed. Problem is compounded when groups of nodes (up to 20) are open. A Solution: Enter income as a negative number to allow for a simple addition for Net Results. Reports will remain with positive income amount. 6

7 F EEDBACK Common Themes Positives:  All models were on the same platform this year.  The learning curve was reduced as it was second year.  Integration between Compensation Budgeting and General Operating and Specific Purpose models was good.  Sources are loaded as a starting point into Compensation Budgeting.  Fringes are automatically calculated.  For the first year out, the Specific Purpose model had favorable feedback, especially by those departments budgeting in aggregate.  History loaded into General Operating is helpful.  Budgeting tips of the week helped provide education.  RAPS Support desk was helpful. 7

8 E NHANCEMENTS FOR FY13 Planned Enhancements  Provide ability to adjust the FTE for changes since the budget was loaded as is available for salary changes (CB).  Import aggregates budgeted in last fiscal year’s budget as history into current budget model (CB).  Refresh current year-to-date actuals monthly in General Operating model (GO).  Combine History and Budget Input tab (GO).  Provide override capability for Specific Purpose generic entries to a different division (SP).  Load Specific Purpose budget from FY12 models to FY13 models. CB = Compensation Budgeting GO = General Operating SP = Specific Purpose 8

9 FY13 E NHANCEMENTS  Report enhancements (GO & SP) – Focus group will address.  Specific Purpose model will open in unison with General Operating model.  Enhance validations (GO & SP).  Restructure how transfer subclasses are handled (GO & SP).  Clarify naming of fund categories between models and reports (CB, GO, & SP). CB = Compensation Budgeting GO = General Operating SP = Specific Purpose 9

10 FY13 E NHANCEMENTS  Further define ‘Function code’ definition in order to load history correctly to model and reports to give users a clear definition (SP).  Do not display Monthly Budget tab from General Operating model. CB = Compensation Budgeting GO = General Operating SP = Specific Purpose 10

11 FEEDBACK Other frequent requests we heard that have not been scheduled:  Depreciation and other on-top entries should be in RAPS Budgeting so that margins are available in RAPS in order to avoid wait for Hyperion reports (GO & SP).  Would like more rates provided by Central office included in the models (i.e., overhead rates) (GO).  Zero out all pertinent fields when setting ‘Exclude from Budget’ flag (CB).  Would like General Operating and Specific Purpose models combined.  Descriptions for New Jobs should carry to source tab (CB).  Would like to report on annotations, workaround would be to put comments on sourcing tab (CB). CB = Compensation Budgeting GO = General Operating SP = Specific Purpose 11

12 FEEDBACK Other frequent requests we heard that have not been scheduled:  Rollout dates need to be reviewed (some departments would like to load earlier, some later in the cycle) (CB, GO & SP).  Compensation Budgeting model is too complex – will be addressed by Focus Group.  More accurate calculation for Health & other Allowance for Fellows (CB).  Concern over budgeting secondary positions next year (CB).  Add additional new job slots. CB = Compensation Budgeting GO = General Operating SP = Specific Purpose 12


14 F OCUS GROUPS Purpose: To work through specific topics and provide recommendations to the full RAPS Budgeting User Forum.  Focus groups will meet at least once a month and will provide an update at the User Forum in July.  Will consist of 8 – 12 members with a RAPS project leader.  Assignments will be given for members to complete. Focus Group 1: Simplifying the Compensation Budgeting Model for FY14. This will be a team consisting of members from the Danforth Campus and the Medical School Departments. Goal: To eliminate functionality from the Compensation Budgeting model that is no longer needed/used. Improve efficiency and usability to support processes. 14

15 F OCUS GROUPS Focus Group 2: Reports for FY13 There will be two separate groups for the Danforth Campus and for the Medical School Departments. Goal: Review what is available with current reporting and identify gaps between what is available and what is desired. 15

16 W RAP U P  Meeting minutes and schedule of upcoming meetings will be distributed.  Sign up for Focus groups with Group Leaders –  Jean Shuler - Simplifying Compensation Budgeting  Debbie Vasel - Reports Group leaders will be in contact and will schedule initial meeting within the coming month.  Agenda for July meeting will include:  Discussion on Training for FY13  Focus Group updates  Send proposed agenda items to  Q&A 16

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